Chapter Twenty

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Hey Readers! So sorry for the wait! I've been moving house, and the house needed work doing to it. Most of the work is done now though, so I was able to get some writing done. Enjoy!

Chapter 20 (Rebecca's pov)

We walk back to Gringotts, to speak to Griphook. We head into Gringotts and join a que to see a teller to ask for Griphook. The que isn't very long so we are at the goblin teller in no time.

"Greetings master goblin, we would like to speak to our account manager Griphook ." I request politely.

"Very well. Follow me." The goblin says, nodding at me, he gets down and comes out from behind the counter.

There are a few grumbles in the que behind us, but those are silenced by a fierce glare from Sevy. So overprotective!

The goblin teller leads us through the corridors to Griphook's office. The goblin knocks, and then enters and says something in Gobbledegook. The more I hear the language the more I want to learn it. It will have to wait though.

The goblin teller gestures for us to go in.

"Greetings Master Goblin Griphook." I formally greet the goblin.

Harry and Sevy say the formal greeting as well.

"Greetings. How can I help you?" Griphook asks, with a small smile.

"Well, I bought a trunk shop... so I need to advertise for a shop assistant. I will also need another house elf to take care of the shop's cleaning, and that of any other shop I purchase. I would also like to know when building can start on Draconia, I'm hoping to get it started sooner than later." I list.

"Ah, well the house elf is easy, I can get the files of available house elves now. As for the purchase I am aware, I'd already been looking into the business, so I knew you'd purchased it when the money was taken from your account. You got a good deal, for the business and the building. What do you intend to do with the flat above the shop? It's a two bed flat." Griphook asks smirking, it was always a nice challenge to have a client who's one step ahead.

"We could rent it out, or the shop assistant we hire could move in to the flat." I murmur thoughtfully.

"That's a good plan, I will advertise the flat with the job then. Now as for construction on Draconia, that will be able to start as soon as this week if you would like. I have found a reliable group of goblin builders, for a reasonable price of course, so they can start as soon as you are ready." Griphook explains, with a smirk.

"We just need to have a tour of the island and find the perfect area and then we will be ready to start building." I say, bouncing in excitement, everything is coming together.

"How are you touring the island? By broom?" Griphook asks curiously.

"No! They are too young to fly that long! It would be dangerous!" Sevy exclaims in worry.

"Oh, I hadn't thought of that. Hmmm, maybe by dragon, as Pendragons the dragons on the island will be loyal to us, we could try riding them!" I squeal.

"That would be fun." Harry grins.

"No! No! NO!" Sevy yells in panic.

"Aww! Come on Sevy, it will be fun!" I say giving Sevy the puppy dog eyes.

"We will go without you if we have to." Harry blackmails the sour man.

"Fine, I'll go. But just to keep you two safe." Sevy caves easily at Harry's threat.

"Yay!" Harry and I cheer, doing a fist bump.

"Well now that is settled, do you have anything else to discuss?" Griphook snickers, amused by Sevy's reactions.

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