Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14 (Rebecca's pov)

Griphook leaves soon after. Harry and I decide to explore the castle. We will go shopping tomorrow.

We are about to leave the reception room when six loud pops filled the air. Six house elves stood beside us, looking at us with wide eyes. They are wearing neat formal uniforms with the Pendragon crest on.

"Finally, the day has come that our masters have come home!" One of them exclaim in excitement.

"I be Mipsy, this be Turnip, Kips, Blinky, Flopsy, and Blip. We be the house elves of masters Pendragon." Mipsy squeaks.

"Hello Mipsy, Turnip, Kips, Blinky, Flopsy, and Blip. I am Rebecca Lily Potter-Pendragon, and these are my house elves Tippy, Zizzi, and Ditzy." I introduced myself, and my house elves.

"Hello, I am Harrison James Potter-Pendragon, and this is my house elf Spot." Harry introduces himself.

We then introduce the new house elves to our familiars.

"So, what do each of you do in the household? Could one of you show us around?" I ask them.

"Mipsy is head elf, I organise other elves and help with household chores such as cleaning and laundry." Mipsy squeaks proudly. 

"Turnip is being gardening and grounds elf, I take care of greenhouses as well." Turnip pipes up.

"Kips is kitchen elf, I take care of cooking, baking, and drinks." Kips squeaks out excitedly.

"Blinky and Flopsy be cleaning elves, they maintain the castle." Blinky squeals.

"Blip be creature elf; I take care of creatures on the grounds." Blip squeaks.

"Mipsy be happy to give you tour." Mipsy speaks up after the introductions.

"Thank you Mipsy." I smile at her.

Mipsy shows us all around the castle which consists of a large ballroom, a massive potions lab, a gigantic lounge area that leads to outside dragon stables, a ridiculously big library that reminded me of the one from Beauty and the Beast but bigger. There are several more reception rooms, an office for the lord or lady of the castle, an office for the heir of the castle. We are shown the biggest kitchen I've ever seen, which includes a large pantry, and a massive greenhouse, which grows produce, connected to the side. There is a large formal dining room, and smaller cosier dining rooms. Then upstairs are the bedrooms, as well as the upper floors of the library from before.
Mipsy shows us a ritual room is the basement, as well as a large duelling room, and a greenhouse that grows plants that thrive in the dark.

Mipsy then shows us to the lord's tower where the lord's bedroom is as well as guest rooms, rooms for the lord's young children, a smaller potion lab, office, and library, as well as a large living room, come dining, kitchen area. This is the tower where Harry and I will be living.

Mipsy then shows us the heir's tower, where an older heir would live. It has a similar layout to the Lord's tower, just a little smaller.
Then there are the guest towers which also have similar layouts to the lord and heir tower, just less grand.
There are over fifty guest bedrooms in the castle. There are over fifty bathrooms as well. All the rooms in the castle are decorated magnificently. Nothing really needs changing except a few personal touches to their main living area and bedrooms. I am defiantly changing my space into a leafy green paradise; I love the colour green, and nature,  as well as animals of course. Maybe I could get a mural done of an enchanted forest with a lake, both full of magical creatures. That would be amazing.

Harry and I make our way back to the lord's tower, we want a closer look at where we will be living. We make our way up the stone stairs, and through the double doors into the living area. There are three green, three seater couches in a u-shape all surrounding a large grand cream marble fireplace, that has green ivy patterns carved into it. In the middle of the couches is a cream coloured coffee table, that also has green ivy patters carved into it. The carpet is fluffy, with a dark green column. There are several large bookshelves, that are painted cream with move green ivy patterns. There is another large crystal chandelier dangling from the ceiling.
It's a beautiful room, cosy, and welcoming room. I absolutely love the nature themed paintings on the wall, that show the forest and lake outside the castle.

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