Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10 (Rebecca's Pov)

"What is going on? Who are you?" Godric Gryffindor demands, when he sees me.

"Holy Merlin! It's really you! Well, a painting of you. Still, this is such an honour! I'm Lady Rebecca Lilly Potter – Slytherin – Gryffindor – Hufflepuff – Ravenclaw – Black – Emerys – LeFay - Peverell - Pendragon, and I have a twin brother Lord Hadrian James Lilly Potter – Slytherin – Gryffindor – Hufflepuff – Ravenclaw – Black – Emerys – LeFay - Peverell – Pendragon." I exclaim in excitement.

"That's quite a mouthful child!" Godric chuckles.

"Hush Godric!" Helga huffs, before smacking him round the back of his head.

"So, you children are the heir to all of us? How did this come to pass?" Rowena asks, ignoring what just happened.

"Well, Gryffindor is from our fathers line the Potters, as well as the Peverell's. Ravenclaw is from our mother's line as well as LeFay, Emerys, and Pendragon. Hufflepuff was gifted to us from mother magic, and Slytherin was given to us via conquest." I explained.

"I see. You both hold much power now; I hope you use it well and do not abuse it." Rowena states wisely.

"May we come to you for guidance if we need it Lady Ravenclaw?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes, you may child. After all you are my heir." Rowena smirks proudly.

"Yes, yes, very well and good. Now, more importantly, is that a baby basilisk?" Salazar asks, eagerly and impatiently.

"Yes, he is. My brother and I got them from your vault, they hatched from an egg while we were there. We got the baby phoenixes from eggs in Gryffindor vault." I reply, grinning.

"Ah yes, I put those eggs in there, hoping that one day they would hatch for one of my descendants. You must be very powerful to have such a familiar. Raise them well young heir, and they will be the most loyal of companions." Salazar says wistfully.

"We will Lord Slytherin." I reply respectfully, Harry nodding in agreement from where ever he had appeared from.

"Now, now, none of that Lord and Lady nonsense dears, you are our heirs you can just call us by our first names." Helga says with a motherly smile. The other founders nod their agreement.

"Thank you Lad... Helga." I say hesitantly.

"That's all right child." Helga smiled.

"Now that's all out the way, will you children be taking our portraits with you? They are rightfully yours." Godric asks.

"Yes, we will take you with us and put you up in our new home." I reply.

"Maybe we could put four individual portraits in each of the Hogwarts houses common rooms?" Harry asks.

"We should have portraits up already, but they seem to be somewhere dark, we can't tell were. Perhaps try asking the Hogwarts house elves, they might know." Rowena comments with a frown.

"We will find them!" I promise.

Harry and I move the portraits outside of the vault door, and ask if Griphook could shrink them for us so we can put them in my bottomless bag.

"Now then which vault next? You still have the Potter, Black, Emerys, LeFay, Peverell, and Pendragon vaults." Griphook asks.

"Hmm... lets think... Should we go for Emerys next Harry?" I ask.

"Sounds good to me." Harry replies.

We all get back into the cart. It takes off, and once again we are swerving, rising, falling, and turning to get to our destination. We arrive at a large gold vault door, it has the Emerys crest carved on it, surrounded by mystical swirl patterns.

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