Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12 Rebecca's Pov

In Griphook's office, Harry and I sit in the comfy armchairs in front of his desk, ready to discuss what was needed.

"Now then, the question is what do we discuss first?" Griphook asks.

"Hmm first could we discuss my godparents? Do Severus Snape and Minerva McGonigal even know they are my godparents?" I ask, confused.

"That is a good question, and the answer is I'm not sure, they have never come into the bank to accept their role of godparent, neither do they reply to their mail." Griphook responds, frowning.

"I see. Perhaps they aren't receiving their mail either, like me and Harry? I think Gringotts's should start an investigation to see if someone is tampering with official Gringotts mail." I reply, frowning back. It must be Dumblewhore redirecting our mail somehow.

"Hmm, that could be it. I will see to it an investigation is led. Tampering with official Gringotts's mail goes against the treaty the wixen must never interfere with goblin business." Griphook snarls.

"We are also curious about Sirius Black, our other godfather. What he did to get sent to jail for? Are there perhaps trial manuscripts we could read?" Harry asks cunningly, as there are no trial manuscripts due to there being no trial.

Of course, Harry and I already know Sirius is innocent, but we aren't going to just come out and say that, it would be suspicious and could give away that we are reincarnated.

"Hmm, I don't actually recall there being a trial. I will look into this for you." Griphook scowls thoughtfully.

"What are we going to do about the mail problem? Harry and I can purchase an owl and send it to Gringotts to pick up our mail while the investigation is being led. What about my godparents and them not receiving mail?" I ask, frowning .

"I will send a goblin to each of them. The goblin will see if they are receiving their mail, and to give them a message that I need to speak with them both about them being your godparents, and whether or not they wish to accept their duties." Griphook responds.

"Ok, thank you Griphook. Now moving on... What's next Harry?" I ask my quiet brother.

"Our parents will's.. their portrait said they had made them, and wrote everything that would be needed about their affairs. Such as where we would go if something happened to them. As well as what was left to who. So, what happened to the wills?" Harry asks in agitation.

"Ah, now that would be the work of Dumbledore, he used his power as chief warlock of wizengamont to seal your parents' wills before they could be read." Griphook growled angrily.

"Of course, he did!" I sneer in disgust; Harry sits there with fury swirling in his eyes.

"Can we do anything to unseal it?" Harry demands in anger.

"I'm glad you asked, as the new Lord and Lady of the house of Potter, you have the power to ask for the wills to be unsealed." Griphook grinned nastily.

Harry and I grin as well.

"Can you unseal the wills Griphook, we would like them officially read." I request with a smirk.

"Of course. I will have it done. I will read it, and owl everyone it mentions to be at the official reading." Griphook smirks, Harry and I smirking back.

"What's next?" Griphook asks.

"Investments. Harry and I would like to make some investments in the muggle and wizarding world. We would like to invest in Google, Microsoft, Netflix, Apple, Amazon, and eBay in the muggle world. Then in the wizarding world I would like to own a store that sells trunks, cases, and bags, and employ an enchanter to do the necessary spells. We would like to own the Daily Prophet outright. We would like any wizarding investment to be raised to 50%. Plus, we would like to invest in any new businesses that you suggest." I explain to Griphook, who nods and takes notes on what I said.

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