Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9 (Rebecca's pov)

Griphook leads us through the corridors of Gringotts's, and to the mining carts. We climb into the cart and brace ourselves for the crazy journey.

The cart takes off, whizzing deep into the mines of Gringotts, swerving, and diving, before jerking to a stop.

"These are the Gryffindor and Slytherin vaults. Which do you want to see first?" Griphook asks.

Harry and I look at each other.

"Slytherin vault!" We exclaim together.

"Very well, the vault opens via blood, so you just need to put your finger in the snake mouth on the vaults door. The snake will take care of the rest." Griphook explains, amused at our antics.

Harry and I nod, following Griphook over to the large vault door, which has large intricately carved snake designs on it. One of the snakes comes out of the door and opens its mouth. Harry puts his finger inside, and the snake clamps down, making Harry wince. I repeat what Harry did putting my finger in the snake's mouth, wincing when it bites me. When I pull my finger back the bite magically heals. The door to the vault slowly unlocks, the snakes winding out of the way to reveal the inside of the vault.

"I can't go in, due to the vaults blood protections, but I shall wait for you out here." Griphook says, nodding at us.

Harry and I make our way into the vault, taking in the sight. There are piles of galleons, knuts, and sickles. As we make our way deeper into the vault I could see piles of ancient texts, weapons, and dark artifacts.
I suddenly feel a pull, like something is calling to me. I follow the pull to an old, worn leather chest. I pause in front of the chest feeling the pull coming from inside. I open the chest, gasping at what I see inside. It's a deep emerald, green egg. I gently brush my hand against it feeling a warm pulsing sensation, the egg jumps, and a crack appears. I tilt my head and watch in awe as a tiny scaly green head pushes its way out of the cracks in the egg. The snake that comes out is fifteen centimetres long, it's pure Slytherin green, with large golden eyes.

"AWW!" I coo, immediately falling in love with the baby snake in front of me. "What kind of snake are you little hatchling?"

"I'm a Bassilissk mommy." The little snake hisses, peering up at me with big glowing golden eyes.

"But I have looked in your eyes, and I'm fine. How is that possible? Too young maybe." I wonder out loud.

"I would never hurt mommy; I'm using my ssecond sset of eyelids. Bessides I'm too young yet for my glare to kill, I can hurt ssomeone badly or petrify them after one year, it takes five yearsss for the glare to be sstrong enough to kill. But my venom isss deadly all the time, except to you ssince I'm your familiar." The baby basilisk hissed.

"My familiar? That must be what the pull was! Wow. This is incredible. Are you a girl or a boy?" I ask, filled with curiosity about my new familiar .

"I am a boy." The baby basilisk hisses proudly.

"Very well. Hmmm... oh I know I will call you Vasuki. It means king of the serpents." I exclaim, holding my arm out for Vasuki to slither up.

"Vasssuki. I like it. Powerful, jussst like me." Vasuki hisses smugly, curling around my shoulders.

I wander around the vault picking up some books on the dark arts, and rituals. Then I pick out a curved dagger that had snake patterns on the blade, and a silver snake head handle. I found some extremely rare, and even supposedly extinct potion ingredients in the vault that I put in the bag as well, something to hold over Snape's head so he would behave when we meet for the first time in this life.

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