Chapter Five

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Chapter 5 (Rebecca's pov)

Noxea picks up a potion and hands it to me.

"Here, let's start with an easier one. This is the extra strong nourishment potion. It will help fix the damage done from the malnutrition. This will give you the vitamins, and nutrition you need and currently lack. It will slowly expand your stomach to the size it should be. It will also boost your immune system, which has become weak due to the malnutrition as well. You will need to take this potion on a daily basis, fir more than a few months, to completely heal all the damage." Noxea explains.

I down the potion, cringing at the bad taste. It isn't as bad as the Skelegrow though, that is by far the worst tasting and, I am not looking forward to drinking it.

"Ok, now this one is an extra strong healing potion, it should work on the worse bruises, and the cuts, and the scratches." Noxea explains the second potion which I quickly down.

"Ugh! These taste awful!" I exclaim.

"Yes, yes, I know, but there isn't much to be done about that, and they will help you get better. So drink what I give you!" Noxea states seriously. "Now, to the next part, due to the amount of broken bones, I will have to do this in stages. Using Skelegrow on this many broken bones at once would be dangerous! So we will do it bit by bit, I'll start with your legs, so you won't be walking for a while."
Noxea performs the spell to remove the necessary misplaced bones, before shoving the Skelegrow potion into my hand. I grimace but quickly down the potion. Noxea the proceeds to put magical splints around my legs.
"Good job! Now before we use the next potion, we will use the pastes for the bruises and burns." Noxea says smiling at my reaction to the Skelegrow. "Strip off that nightie."
It is only then that I realise I'm wearing a cotton night gown, it's a cream colour gown that comes down to my knees. I wonder who changed me? Was it Noxea? Now that I think of it what happened after I passed out during the ritual? Noxea had said the ritual had worked, so I'll assume that she just took care of everything after I passed out.
"The pastes will have to be used for a week at most. They will cause the bruises to heal and fade quicker, and for the scars to fade away. The larger, deeper scars may never fully fade, but they will fade to a lighter white colour that will barely be visible." Noxea explains the two pastes to me.
Noxea then gently applies the pastes to the areas needed, before nodding in satisfaction at her work.

"Ok excellent, the last potion is the accelerant potion which help speed up the other potions effects, plus it will help with the pastes as well. Now bottoms up!" Noxea chuckles.

I scowl at her before I down the last potion, gagging slightly as the taste of all the potions overwhelm me.

"UGH!" I groan in disgust.

"Here drink some water." Noxea says, handing me a glass full of water.

I quickly gulp down half of the water down, water dribbling from my mouth. I wiped it away and handed Noxea the glass, who then put it on top of the medical cart by the bed.

"Can I put the nightie back on now?" I ask, now that we are done with the healing for the day.

"Off course, it won't affect the cream or paste, so you can put it back on. Do you want some food? You're probably going to feel tired soon, when you do tell me, and I'll give you a dreamless sleep potion so you can rest soundly." Noxea frets over me.

"I am a bit hungry, yes. I'm not feeling tired yet though. Could I get some food?" I ask, while putting the nightie back on.

"Yes. I will get you some. You get some rest, you need it." Noxea worried over me.

"Thank you Noxea." I say gratefully.

I've never laid in a proper bed before I realize, not outside of Hogwarts at least, and this is really comfy, even if it is just a healer's bed.
It takes few minutes before Noxea returns with my food, and to my surprise with Harry and Enxa in tow. I smiled happily at the sight of my big brother.

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