Makeouts || Emira x reader

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* GN Reader

* There's cursing, cause I can

* Mentions of friends grinding on eachother, and making out, obvi

* Some angst, cause yummy

* Implied teenage drinking

*If there's anything else in here that you think needs a warning, please tell me

You sighed, taking another sip of your drink. 'Why did I decide to come here. Nobody here likes me, most of them probably don't even know who I am'. You slightly jump, someone breaking you out of your train of thought. Said person wraped there arms around your waist and slides there face into the crook of your neck. "Guess who" the 'mystery' person whispers into your ear.

Angling your head to look at one of your closest 'friends', you breath out "Emi". She giggled a little; "Correct". Leaning away from you, but still keeping her arms around your waist; she took your right hand with her left and slipped the beer can out of it. Then taking her right hand, she intertwined your left hands fingers together. Traping you in her imbrace, as she started to sway you both to the almost deafening music.

You watched intently as she took a sip from the dull aluminum can; her eyes adjusting their gase onto you and her practically perfect lips smirking when she felt you looking at her. 'GOD!!! Why does this happen every time we're around each other!!' You think.

It was true you know. For the past three years moments like this continued to happen off and on. Moments that also contained heavy makeout sessions seemed to also be common. You never knew if Emira was just playing with your emotions or if there was actually something there, she just didn't and or couldn't say anything about it.

The "incidents" started happening after one of your guy's only shared friend's fourteenth birthday party. You guys had started playing truth or dare, and said birthday girl (only girls were invited to the birthday party btw) had been given the role of asking 'truth or dare'. She had almost instantly looked to you, knowing that you always picked dare.

"Y/n, truth or dare" she asked smirking. You had bit the inside of your cheek, you knew for sure that she was up to something. However you also knew that if you picked truth they'd call you a pussy. So you just decided to pick dare, what could she come up with anyway that would be so bad. Damn you were a giant idiot.

"Dare" you said with false confidence. The girl across from you giggled, looking between you and Emira. "Y/n, I dare you to kiss Emira" your face broke out in a giant blush. Emira also had a rosy coloring covering her cheeks. "Um, I,, I,-" you were cut of by Emira scooting closer to you. "Em" you questioned. She took a quick breath. "A dares a dare" she whispered. She softly grabbed your face, bringing your lips near hers.

The kiss felt interesting. It wasn't bad, but you couldn't tell if it was good either. When Emira pulled away you were blushing heavily, and you honestly felt like you were going to pass out. For the rest of the night things were pretty chill, that was until everybody went to sleep. You were struggling falling asleep, remembering the kiss between you and you closet friend a few hours earlier.

Apparently so was Emira because she soon came over to you, tapping you on the shoulder to see if you were awake. Wich you were. You had tried to ask her if she needed something, but she had quickly put a hand over your mouth and made a 'follow me motion. You got up trying to be as quiet as possible. You both tiptoed out of the room and then into the bathroom down the hall. That's when Emira finally spoke.

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