Friends? || Lumity x Boscha

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This was requested on my tumbler around October 💀

I had saved it to my drafts and then all of my drafts deleted themselves in an update I believe, so I started to rewrite it and then I didn't save it so it once again got deleted, so rightly so, I got pissed off and forgot about it-
But after the person who requested it messaged me I remembered and speed wrote it in only a day

So it's kinda shitty-sorry for that

And before people come at me I don't ship Boscha with Lumity- I think the ship would be cute, however, only if Boscha got her shit together.

Tw: none really, light cursing but that's all

Boscha didn't know how this happened. She honestly didn't, she couldn't remember drinking something weird, or eating something she shouldn't have, or even maybe being hexed. However something did happen, it had to of. She had went to bed last night with a slight headache, however there's no way a 'headache' could of done this to her.

Boscha had woke up normally; her loud ass alarm clock screaming at her that another day had arrived. Slamming the damned thing off she stretched and headed for her bathroom to get ready.

But when she had flicked on the lights she had nearly screamed. She looked totally different.

She remembered leaning into the mirror, looking at her reflection with wide eyes as she touched her face to see if what her reflection looked like was truly real.

And to her shock it was. Her once pinkish skin had more of a tan color to it, her violet hair was now a dark auburn shade, and were her third eye was there were now a few freckles. Her once long pointed ears were now small and round

There was no way this could of happend! She looked like a damn human!! How did she look like a human?! How was this possible?

Once the initial shock wore off she had silently swore that whoever or whatever did this to her would pay, and in the worst way possible.

However, dispite not wanting to, she did have to admit that she did like it. The way she looked now of course. To be honest she never really liked what she looked like. She hated her appearance for years, but-

But looking like this, normal I mean, maybe she could-NO!!! This wasn't good!

What would other people say about this? What rumors would be spread about her?! Would people think she didn't have magic anymore, that she was like half-a-witch!!?

Wait! Did she still have her magic?!!

She quickly closed her hand, then opened it, a ball of light popped out of her palm. Luckily her magic hadn't went away, and the only thing that had happened was that her appearance changed.

But that didn't matter cause now (in some strange occurrence of an author being lazy maybe) she was standing at the opening of the school hallway with all eyes on her.

🪄Amity's perspective🪄

This morning had been ruff for Amity.

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