Plans || Gus x Human! reader

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q1x3l_l0z3r here's the story, hope you like it :,)

There aren't any warnings for this, but if you think there needs to be one for something in this please inform me I'll look into it


You were quite the normal kid. I mean you had average grades, an average teenage attitude, (above) average looks, you seemed like just another plain Jane. That was only on the outside though. You, and your childhood bestfreind, Luz, were actually quite the chaotic duo. Most people wouldn't expect it but that was only because you were good at keeping that part of you hidden. That was until you ended up on the Boiling Isles.

Luz had told you about her mom sending her to summer camp. You were both less then pleased, but being Luz's best and only friend, you knew Camilla very well- and you knew that once she had made up her mind about a decision, she stayed with that decision. Honestly Luz was a carbon copie of her mother- both with there looks and with there personality. The day Luz was set to leave you had been walking to her house to say goodbye to her for the summer.

You were sad. Sure you could make other friends while Luz was away but that just felt wrong. Everything felt wrong nowadays. You had been snapped out of your trance when you almost walked straight into Camilla. You had said a simple apology, with the mother responding with a soft greeting. She had quickly said hello and goodbye- scrambling off to get to work on time.

You glanced over at Luz. "I'm gonna miss you Luzura" you had said struggling not to cry. You were quite emotional- you had a big heart but little body, and because of that even the simplest things like saying goodbye made you tear up. "Hey, hey, I'm not dying I'm just being forced to go to a camp over the summer that's gonna try and force me to think "inside the box"". She had said, quoting the last bit from the brochure. You giggled a little pulling her into a hug. You were gonna miss her hugs over the summer.

But as suddenly as the hug had been formed it had been broken by Luz shouting "Tiny trash thief!". She had begun to chase after an owl wich was holding a bag with various items in it. But the most important being Luz's 'Good witch Azura' book. Without thinking you ran after Luz.

You both neared an old, deteriorating house. "LUZ" you had shouted after the girl as she ran inside the rotting house, you following after. And that's were your story on the Boiling Isles had started. You met Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful wich on the Boiling Isles. King, the King of Demons. Owlbert, the Owl that had stolen Luz's dearest book. And eventually Hooty, the house demon of the Owl House.

That day you and Luz had caused a prison outbreak, and also decided to stay on the Boiling isles to become witches. Well more so Luz wanted to train to become a witch, but you decided to agree to staying because free adventures in a cooky world with your bff.

The day Luz had become Willows abomination was the day you decided that from now on you would not let the overly optimistic girl out of your sight. However you were happy to see that Luz had made new friends. You were even more happy to see that they were open to also being your friend. However with the title of being friends with Agustus Porter and Willow Park, came many questions about the human world.

Especially from the short genius. He would ask you about anything and everything he could think of, and you would respond with the best answer you could think of. It was fun to be able to blabber off to someone about something that seemed so normal to you but so amazing and eye opening to them.

And that's what was happening at this moment actually. It had been almost two months of living on the boiling isles. It had become a normal thing for Gus to come over after school so he could talk to you and ask more questions about the human world, and then half way through you would ask questions about the Boiling Isles and he would get to talk about things here.

"So the human world dosn't have boiling rain?" the boy infront of you asked. "Nope. Rains formed when clouds pick up water from one of the many lakes, oceans, or rivers that cover our planet. It then gets cycled out of said cloud and back into the water or onto the ground. However rain can be harmful, sometimes it gets so cold that when the clouds are cycling through the water they form chunks of ice, so instead of refreshing water hitting the ground chunks of ice do instead. The same thing can also happen again but the water be turned into snow" you say, writing down some notes Gus had gave you to look at.

He had been showing you his notes from school so you could learn some things about illusions. Eda was a good teacher, and you liked her teaching methods, even if they were strange, but you wanted to learn some things from other people. Plus you knew Eda couldn't know everything.

"Wow! I wish I was able to experience rain that dosn't burn" Gus sighs and falls back onto your makeshift bed. You giggle a little before responding with "Maybe oneday Eda will let me and Luz take you and Willow to the human relm. I think it would be fun for you two. Plus I do need to talk with my parents" you mumble the last part to yourself. "REALLY!" Gus jumps up at the mention of being able to go to the human world. However in the process of this you bounce backwards, falling onto your back.

"OH! Sorry Y/n, I didn't mean for you to fall!" the boy goes to give you a hand, but in the process just falls on top of you due to the bounciness of the mattress. You let a grunt due to the sudden weight on top of you. "I could've gotten up myself Gus" you say a little agrovated. "I know I was just trying to help" he starts to get up. Using his forearms to push him up- he's now put himself to were he's hovering over your body.

He makes eye contact with you and you feel your cheeks get red and tingly with embarrassment from the position you and your friend were now in, but as Gus sat up you tried to get rid of it. Sitting up yourself you try to change the subject to something else other than the human world. So with that Gus went on to talk about creatures on the Boiling Isles. You would blurt in about animals in the human relm every now and again. However you couldn't completely focus on what your friend was saying.

Even though it shouldn't matter the events of just a little bit ago replayed heavily in your head. Eventually the boy packed up his things and headed home. You saying a goodbye and giving him a hug before he left off to his home. But little did you know that the replaying action in your head from earlier was planned by the dark eyed boy.


This is really short I'm sorry, I just don't want to over due things.

There will be a part two to this- and that will be a Gus x reader x Matt.

I hope this was enjoyable- I'm sorry if you didn't like it :,^

Doe, Friday 26th, 2021

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