Luz - Fluff Alphabet

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(This was not proof read, sorry for that-)

Eyyyyy, I'm alive again-

A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?

• You two of course get into many wacky adventures- either with just the two of you or the rest of the friend group being dragged into it too

• Of course the both of you enjoy simple things ; i.e, cuddling/ napping together, playing a bored game/ card game, or reading together

• But Luz's favorite thing is when you two are able to go out onto the roof and just sit there and watch the night sky *cough* *cough* watch you actually *cough* *cough*

• She'll often bring blankets and pillows and snacks up there and you two will just lay there for hours *probably sneek a few kisses from the other too*

• It's just a simple thing to do, it's nice to just relaxed like that every now and again


B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?

• Literally everything

• Your getting compliments 24/7 motherfucker

• She loves your face and body equally and thinks your a literal work of art

• If she's forced to pick though she'd have to say your lips are her favorite thing about you- face wise

• She loves it when you smile, she finds it absolutely adorable and just wants to snatch you whenever you do and cover you with kisses


C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?

• If you feel down she'll often have a chat with you, try to figure out the full picture

• If you wanna be left alone afterwards that's alright, and if you don't that's even more alright

• She'll try litterlay everything to make you feel better ; from simple things like cuddling, or playing a game or watching a movie, to buying you presents or getting tickets for a carnival

• This girl would go to hell and back just for you, and to have you happy and healthy

• Regarding panic attacks, she doesn't know how to help other than taking you out of the situation that's causing it and helping you regulate your breathing

• If you need to cry afterwards, your totally welcomed to, she won't judge

• After everythings calmed down she'll probably get you some water and a snack, plus any other thing you could request

• Luz is always gonna find a way to be there for you


D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?

• Luz definitely want to get married later down in life- she's a ride or die type of gal, she wants to spend the rest of her life with you

• She wants to have all the drama settled (at least for the most part) and not have a risk of death before she proposes though

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