Easy resting || Hunter x reader

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•This is fluff, obvi

•I don't really write for Hunter, why, idk. He's just weird to write to me. But I have a friend who wants me to write stuff for him with Hunter in it, so I'm practicing-

•I dont really have any warnings for this other than it is short-


"Come ooonnn" you groaned as you lightly pulled on your boyfriends arm. Hunter had been writing a paper or whatever since you got to his room. For what? Probably some weird test Bleo's is making him do.

The poor boy barley slept, and with the pressure of wanting his uncle's attention he wasn't getting any more than he usually did. "After I finish this next paragraph-" he started but you quickly cut him off. "-You've said that for like the last four hours!! I don't care if you don't sleep just come lye in bed with meee!!!" You pleaded. The sleep deprived teen looked over at you.

You two would often spend nights in one of yours rooms and cuddle, or play games, or just chat about whatever came to one of your minds. Both of you had trouble sleeping wich ment you could keep the other company throughout the night, all the way till morning. Hunter more so cause he stressed himself out to the point where he couldn't even sit down without fretting his mind, fear consuming him that whatever he just walked away from was fucked up some how. For you, it was insomnia and nightmares- which we won't get into.

But anyways- by the way you were looking at him he knew that if he declined again you were most definitely gonna drag him over to the bed. So he just sighed and started to clean up his desk. At the sight you squeeled a little, letting go of his arm and jumping into his bed. It was WAAYYY softer than yours. Maybe it was just cause he was the Emperor's nephew, he got better perks- at least when it came to furniture.

Hunter finished putting things in there proper places, and set the papers he had been writing neatly inside the top drawer of his desk. Once done with that, he stood up and stretched- getting slightly lightheaded as blood flowed to his head wich was once so focused. He was already wearing comfier clothes than his usual so he just sauntered over to his bed were he plopped down face first. You let out huff at his antics.

After a minute the boy started snaking his body over to you, soon resting his head on your lap and curling up at the soothing presence of your hand now resting in his locks. You two stayed like that for a while. The sleep deprived teen resting softly on your thighs, your hand playing with his hair as you let out soft hums of delight.

You soon got tired of this position, the calmingness of your actions reaching your own body wich had started craving sleep. I mean you were only running on one good day of sleep- with this you layed your back on the bed, your legs straighting slightly. At this Hunters eyes opened.

You opened your arms to him and he crawled over to you. For a second or two he was positiond slightly over you, and with that he gave you a sweet peck on your lips before moving to rest on your chest. Your arms enveloped him into a warm hold, your right hand rubbing softly up and down his back. The teen hummed at this feeling.

Tonight had came easier than ever. Most nights you two were up till the crack if dawn, but tonight, tonight had been simple and loving. You felt comfort as your boyfriends arms rapped around you. And as you felt sleep coming to steal you away for tonight, you could rest easier hearing the soft snores of your boyfriend.

You were more than delighted you both could drift off to (a hopefully good) sleep.....



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