Chapter 4:

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Angel's POV:

He took my hand which made me jump slightly as I wasn't expecting it but I let him because I felt like I knew him and could trust him. I was still trying to process everything he had told me, was I really a good singer? Because he seemed to think so.

I was shaken out of my thoughts when he pulled me into the lobby of the hotel and entered the elevator with his hand still interlocked with mine.

We went up to the 6th floor and the elevator doors swung open. We made our way to his room, he released my hand and pulled out the room key card out of his pocket to open the door.

We walked inside and it was amazing and classy, the colour scheme of the apartment was chocolate brown and cream. There was a large plasma screen tv in the middle of the living room and the kitchen was massive. Harry motioned me to his bedroom and quietly closed the door behind us.

I was starting to get a little anxious, due to the fact that I had just walked into a room with a stranger, his bedroom; and he said he wanted to give me something. Now I was really starting to worry but he halted my thoughts by speaking.

"You really don't know who I am do you?"

"Am I supposed to know?" I asked bewildered, had I met him before?

"I'm Harry Styles from one direction, the other lads are in the other rooms that's why we're being quiet and in my room." he spoke with his thick British accent, damn was I a sucker for British accents. I though for a while and remembered Kate at the mention of one direction, yes I do know who he is.

"Oh yes I remember now! My best friend Kate is obsessed with you blokes," He chuckled at my remark.

"I brought you up here to give you these," he leaned over to his bedside table opening a drawer and pulling out two VIP tickets to one of their concerts and handed them to me. "When you go back stage, just tell the security guard named Paul your names and he'll bring you to me and the lads."

I looked down at the tickets then back up at him, "this is really nice of you, but I can't accept..." he cut me off by placing his hand over my mouth.

Harry's POV:

She was rambling on about how she couldn't accept taking the tickets when I stopped her by placing my hand gently over her mouth and what she did next surprised me.

"HEY!" I whisper shouted and she smiled proud of what she had just done. "Why did you lick my hand?" I asked in disbelief whilst wiping my hand on my track suit pants.

"Well you covered my mouth so I felt it was necessary," she sarcastically stated a smirk playing on her lips.

Angel's POV:

"Okay, but you take the tickets and I will be looking forward to seeing you at the concert." He handed me his phone, "just incase," he smiled.

I didn't know what he meant by 'just incase', nevertheless I willingly took his black iPhone and saved my number in it.

"I would have given you my phone but it's back at my apartment," I truthfully stated handing his phone back to him.

"That's all right..." He paused looking at what I saved my name as and smirked, "Angel the random girl from the alleyway." He raised an eyebrow at me and let out a small chuckle.

"Yeah so you remember," I sarcastically answered, "anyways it's getting pretty late, I'm gonna head back home and I'll see you at the concert."

He beamed at me and walked me to the front door, "till then love," he announced and with that I walked down the hall into the elevator and out the hotel.

I slowly made my journey back home replaying what had just happened in my head, I just met Harry Styles from one direction! Wow I'm going to have an earful from Kate later on today, since its the morning now.

I tip-toe back into my house, put the guitar away, continuing up the stairs, into my room where I finally collapse onto my bed and fall asleep instantaneously not even bothering to take my coat off. All I remember seeing before I closed my eyes was my alarm clock that read 4:00am.


And now we await Kate's reaction ;)

I'd also like to wish all my Australian readers a happy Australia day and I hope you enjoy this day celebrating with your families!!

- Angel xo

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