Chapter 13:

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Louis' POV:

I continued to walk back towards our spot but noticed Harry wasn't following behind, I stopped in my tracks and turned to see my best mate looking genuinely confused, staring at the sand beneath his feet.

"Stop thinking about her mate!" I exclaimed jokingly, winking at him and giggling.

"That's not what I'm thinking about," he replied, furrowing his brow.

"Oh? What are you thinking about then?" I asked intrigued.

"You were so shocked when you found out that Angel could sing, you brought me over here to tell me off for not telling you... But I did. I did tell you about her, you already knew." He sternly stated with confusion still written across his face.

I actually don't remember him telling me anything... Oh wait! How could I have forgotten! I'm such an idiot! Harry did tell me about her, I even told her myself at the pet store for goodnes sake! Probably the beers we had that night to celebrate the arrival of Maxi sort of temporarily wiped my memory of that day, but thank God I remember now!

"Harry, I'm sorry! I completely forgot! I even told her the day that we adopted Maxi that I knew she could sing because you told me about her! Looks like those beers sort of erased my memory." I truthfully spoke whilst face-palming.

"Does she work at the pet store?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

I nodded my head in response and he shot me a cheeky grin, oh that lad, I wonder what thought popped into his head now. We finally returned to the others and took our seats completing the circle once again!

* * * * * *

Angel's POV:

I really don't know why Louis and Harry went aside to talk, I wonder what they were talking about... Loud knocking on the door startles me as my mind returns to this planet.

"ANGEL HURRY UP! I WANT YOU TO BRAID MY HAIR PLEASE!" An exasperated Kate exclaimed on the other side of my bedroom door.

I looked over at the time and it read 4:30, SHIT! Was I zoned out for half an hour?

I reluctantly got of my spot on the bed and opened the door for her and her eyes grew to the size of golf balls when she took in my appearance.

"YOU STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN READY YET?" She disappointedly shouted.

"Uh... Yeah," Was all I managed to say.

"WELL HURRY! THE BOYS WILL BE HERE IN HALF AN HOUR!" She scolded, folding her arms and impatiently tapping her foot.

"I'm sorry Katie pie! I'll be quick I promise, here, take a seat on my bed so I can braid your hair." I softly said trying to calm the tension.

Her arms released and she gave me a slight smile before she turned to sit on the bed.

I stood right behind her, parted the top section of her hair into three equal sections and began the braid.

"So why haven't you gotten ready yet?" She questioned.

"Uh... I was just sitting on the bed thinking, I guess..." I stated, shrugging my shoulders, aware that she can't see me and continued to braid her hair.

I kept taking chunks of hair from the right and left sides of her head incorporating them into the French braid until her voice caused me to stop.

"About Harry no doubt," she jokingly said chuckling at the end.

My jaw dropped, "w-what?" I stuttered.

"Oh come on Angel, I'm not blind! I saw you two today at the beach being all cutesy and teaching him how to surf." She giggled once again.

"We were NOT being cutesy! I was just teaching him how to surf!" I defensively exclaimed, emphasizing the word 'not'.

She handed me her hair tie whilst sarcastically replying, "yeah okay, whatever you say."

I tied off the bottom of her hair and she got up giving me a twirl to indicate that I should give her my opinion on how she looks.

Her blonde hair was all pushed back into the braid I had just done on her hair, her blue eyes rimmed with black eyeliner, flawless skin with a hint of blusher on her cheeks and nude lipgloss sitting perfectly on her lips.

She was wearing a figure hugging floral singlet that reached just above her belly button and black high waisted shorts that reached right under her belly button, showing off a bit of her perfectly toned mid section. Her feet were covered by her black converse and she looked stunning as always!

"You look gorgeous Kate!" I happily complemented.

"Hurry up now, get ready so I have some competition!" She cheekily replied winking at me.

"Oh trust me, no competition here." I seriously said.

"Shut up Angel, you honestly don't see how guys stare at you." She firmly retorted and then walked out of my room shutting the door behind her, indicating that I should get ready.

I quickly ran over to my closet and stared at all my clothes finally pulling out my black lace yoke body suit and my high waisted, pink, floral printed shorts. I then quickly changed into the outfit and also decided to wear my black converse.

I scurried over to my en-suite bathroom and ran some product through my hair, so my natural waves don't become frizzy. I brush a coat of mascara onto my eyelashes, apply some light pink lip gloss onto my lips and blend a light pink blush onto the apples of my cheeks, blending out towards my temple.

I take one last look in the mirror and rush down stairs to find Kate sitting on the sofa. She looks up at me and gasps.

"Angel you look phenomenal!" She exclaimed all giddy.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I reply, "thanks Katie pie."

She let out a small giggle and then we heard three consecutive knocks on the front door, since I was standing up, I walked over and opened it to reveal five very handsome boys.

They all walked in one after the other very nicely dressed, Niall in black jeans and a white polo, Louis in black jeans and maroon T-shirt, Liam in navy jeans and a grey T-shirt, Zayn in greenish-beige utility pants and a black T-shit and finally Harry in navy jeans and a Rolling Stones T-shirt.

Harry's POV:

When she opened the door, I could have just died in my spot! She looked incredible, and when she smiled showing her beautifully straight white teeth I felt my heart lurch inside me. What the hell Harry? What is wrong with me? She looked good basically.

We walked in and I saw Kate on the couch who also looked great! I'm pretty sure Niall noticed because he made a one way route straight to her from the door.

"We'll come on, we better get going before we're late!" Louis excitedly exclaimed, and just as we came in, we returned out the door followed by the girls. They just stood there when they saw our tour bus and their bodies did not move an inch, their eyes fixated onto the large red and black vehicle parked in front of them.


Hey guys! Sorry for my delayed upload! I had an economics assignment and a maths test to study for so I was really short on time because school's a bitch, but the chapter is up finally!

This was kind of a filler chapter for before the Ed Sheeran concert and that will be much more eventful than this I promise haha!

Love you all!! :)

- Angel xo

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