Chapter 16:

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Angel's POV:


My body jolts into a sitting position, I rub my eyes and slowly open them. My vision is blurred and I stare at the clock on my beside table till my eyes focus.


My eyes finally focus on the digital clock, 7am, why the hell has Kate woken me up this early? I ungracefully reach over for my phone on the bed side table and find a few unread messages. I completely ignore them, not even bothering to read who sent them, swipe to in clock my phone and click on Brad's name starting the call.

A few rings pass and I hear the familiar warm tone of his voice as my body slowly wakes itself up, "Hey Angel."

Oh crap! Realization hits me like a freight train and my brain starts to crumble. I am such an idiot! Why did I call Brad? I haven't even made up my decision if I will be meeting Ed today or not! I have to think fast, but my mind is just broken into pieces that my inner self can't seem to put back together. My body is fully awake and I can feel the adrenaline circulating through my bloodstream.

"Hello?" Brad slowly says, sounding a bit confused, probably because I haven't responded yet.

"Uh, h-hi B-brad," I stutter, trying to put a sentence together and fail miserably.

"What's up?" He calmly replies. Oh no, now I'm really on the spot! Why did my stupid brain decide to call Brad of all people?

'It's a sign, tell him you can't make it to work today, you are meant to meet up with Ed, this is fate!' The voice inside my head whispers to me.

"I, uh, can't make it to work today Brad," I pause trying to think of a well enough excuse but my brain fails me again, "I'm, uh, really sick and can barely get out of bed." I lie

"Oh that's okay Angel, get the rest you need and I hope you feel better." He comforts and sounds like he genuinely cares about my well being.

"Thanks Brad," I can't believe I lied to him, especially because he sounded like he really cared, but what's done is done and I am certainly not pleased with what I've done. I should have just told him the truth! He would have been excited for me!

'What if you fail? What if your not good enough? What if the record label drops you as soon as you open your mouth to sing?' My inner demon hisses and I push the horrible thoughts out of my head.

I look back down at my phone and decide to check out my messages. They're from Harry!

'Hiii Angel! Just thought I'd let you know that the lads and I won't be able to come to the recording studio with you and Ed because we have rehearsals today xx.'

'Oh and you better have said yes to him!'

'We'll hopefully meet up after our concert tonight xx.'

Aw he's so cute, he actually wants me to do this and so does Kate! I really should ring Ed and let him know but it's my decision at the end of the day.

I allow my fingers to fiddle over the key pad and text Harry back, 'Hello Harry! Yeah sure! Meet up at my house? :)'

I should really call Ed, what have I got to lose? I can be really good and kick start my career or I can be really bad and not go anywhere in the music industry.

That's it! Enough thinking, I'm just gonna go with what my heart wants me to do! I click on Ed's contact number and silently wait for the rings.

"Hello?" A lovely British accent speaks.

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