Chapter 18:

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Angel's POV:

Making my way up the steps, Harry hot on my heels, I open the door to my bedroom and allow the taller boy to enter before me.

He gives me a small smile that doesn't reach his eyes and proceeds to scanning the room before he takes a step in.

I follow closely, shutting the door behind me and my eyes fixate on the curly haired guy standing in front of me, motionless. Taking a step closer, till I am next to him, I notice his eyes focused on my bed and his full lips forming a cheeky smirk.

Tracing his line of sight I see exactly what he is staring at and not even allowing my brain to think, my body automatically lurches to my bed as I quickly grab my bra and undies off the bed not even daring to make eye contact with Harry! I quickly run into my en-suite bathroom and throw the clothes into my washing basket under the sink trying to calm my breathing and heart rate! Oh my God! He just saw my undergarments, this conversation isn't going to start out well!

I look up from the sink and notice that the colour of my face really could compete with a tomato, probably win on the grounds of vibrancy! I splash my face with cold water in hopes that it will calm the redness and help me compose myself.

Harry's POV:

Angel's been in her bathroom for quite a while now. I really didn't mean to make her uncomfortable but her bra and undies were just... There. The same smirk as before makes its way back onto my lips as I remember the hot pink and black lace under garments. The girl had taste in clothing, I can say that much.

Since she won't be coming out of that bathroom any time soon, I decide to further explore her room and see what else I can find in here. Wait, maybe I shouldn't, it is counted as invasion of privacy, but curiosity just gets the better of me.

We're on the topic of clothing so it would only be fitting if I take a look at her clothes, right? I tip-toe over to her cupboard, trying my hardest not to make too much sound and slowly open the door. My eyes are soon greeted with an array of bright colours and stylish clothes, she really does have good taste!

I then make my way to a desk that's near her door. It's a lovely vintage wooden desk with amazing swirl engravings on its legs, ok, great taste and classical, not bad.

She just had girly things like perfume and some jewelry. But what really caught my attention was an A4 sketch book with a leather cover.

Cautiously, I open it and look over my shoulder to ensure that she hasn't come out of the bathroom yet. Directing my attention back to the book in my hands I flip through the first few pages.

There are some quality art works in here and amazingly realistic portraits. Ok so great taste, classical, artsy and a full book shelf tells me intelligent. Is there anything this girl can't do? She can also play guitar and sing! Lets not forget about being very attractive and why the hell am I so interested in what she does!?

"Having fun snooping around?" Quickly shutting the book I place it back down and spin on my heel to see a bemused Angel studying me intently.

"Uh..." I'm completely lost for words and all I can manage to do is shrug my shoulders as I allow her beautiful light brown eyes pierce through me.

"So what's going on Harry?" Those five words bringing me back to reality, giving me that uneasy feeling deep inside me that felt like a tumor slowly eating away my life.

Angel's POV:

"So what's going on Harry?" I ask trying my best to stay composed after the whole undergarment incident and after catching him going through my things.

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