Chapter 9:

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Angel's POV:

Wow! That was a long trip home! Kate did not shut up the whole way back! I love her but that was just too much, she just wouldn't stop talking about what was going to happen tonight as she felt the need to remind me ten times, in the space of one hour that we will be meeting with the boys at their hotel room.

I drove us back home because Kate insisted on changing her one direction singlet. She thought the boys would feel weird staring at their faces every time they look at her, so I'm just sitting here on the couch waiting for her to change.

Kate's POV:

OH MY GOD I AM FREAKING OUT! What do I wear? I can't keep Angel waiting too long because all I came up here to do was to change my singlet top but knowing that one direction will see me, it makes the decision so much harder!

After staring into my closet for a good five minutes, I finally pull out my light blue moola singlet top with a crochet pocket and slip it on.

I run back downstairs and head out the door leaving Angel behind to lock up and follow me out.

"Hey wait up!" She called behind me and I obliged as I felt mean to leave her trailing behind but I'm just too excited! It's not every day that I meet up with the boys that I've been obsessed with for quite some time.

Angel's POV:

"Do you want to just walk over to their hotel instead of taking the car?" I asked Kate as it was a hassle to park in hotel car parks and they weren't too far away form our apartment.

"Sure! It's a great night anyways, nice breeze and that means more time to talk!" She enthusiastically stated winking at me.

Great more talking about one direction, like the hour back home wasn't enough already!

We began our short journey to the boys hotel and before Kate could strike up a conversation, I beat her to it, knowing exactly what to bring up!

"So what's the go with you and Niall aye?" I winked at her and her cheeks immediately turned a deep crimson.

"W-what? N-nothing." She managed to stutter out, oh I am so onto her! I knew she was lying because Kate never stutters!

"Don't lie to me Katie pie! I know you like him!" A smile grew on my face as her cheeks got even redder, I never knew it was possible for cheeks to be that shade of red!

"Of course I like him! You know I never shut up about those boys!" She tried to change the subject from Niall by linking him to the other boys but I wasn't buying it. Before I could embarass her any further, we arrived at the boys hotel.

I ushered Kate to the elevator smiling sweetly at the receptionist, indicating we knew where we were going. Well, I knew atleast because I've been here before, this place brings back so many memories of that night, the way Harry's curls were the only things my eyes could focus on in the dim light whilst we were standing in the alley way. The way his green eyes glistened when he turned his face towards the light... Wait, what the hell is wrong with me, snap out of it! We're just friends!

Harry's POV:

Great now we're back in the hotel and expecting the girls shortly... Why did Louis have to do that? I was already confused as it is about Angel and now I have to figure this all out before she gets here!

I know, I'll just treat her like I'd treat every other girl and we'll see where we go from there... Wait, why am I thinking into this so much? It's not like she's the first girl I've ever spoken to! But every time I look at her, it feels as if I have never laid eyes on a girl ever before in my life, I just go blank and have no idea what to do or say! Yeah I'm having a really off night tonight, I look over and see Zayn and Louis on the floor playing with Maxi.

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