Chapter 26:

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Harry's POV:

"Should I wake her up?" Eleanor's soft sweet voice asks.

"I think Harry should do the honours!" Louis cheekily responds raising an eyebrow at me.

"Why me out of all people?" I retort. Louis has been doing that a lot lately, every chance there is to be alone with Angel, he basically pressures me into the situation and I don't even get a say.

"Well she is your girlfriend mate!" He gushes winking at me, causing everyone else's heads to snap in my direction. I can feel their gazes burning holes through my body. All of them. Zayn, Perrie, Liam, Danielle, Niall and Eleanor.

"Girlfriend?" Niall questions, amusement and excitement clear in his tone.

"No it's not like that Niall!" I frustratedly exclaim rubbing my temples. I don't know why this is annoying me but it is, I don't like the fact that this is a 'fake' relationship because I think I really like her. What's making it more annoying is that I'm not even sure of my feelings for her, I do like her, but I don't know if I like her as a friend or more. I sometimes feel like I hardly even know her and there are other times that I feel like I've known her my whole life.

"Harry?" Niall looks at me expectantly.

"W-what?" I answer slightly confused.

"You gotta stop zoning out man! I asked you, what's it like then?" His eyes are now locked onto mine demanding answers.

I really can't be bothered telling them the whole story, with every single little detail so I just simply say, "Angel's management are making her go out with a celebrity so people will know who she is and that will result in her making more money for Sony."

They all look at me slightly shocked, probably due to the fact that it sounds like she's using me so I just add on, "she has no say in all of this, she signed the contract and the company basically owns her now."

Their expressions all relax slightly and I rise out of my spot to go wake her up.

Angel's POV:

No, no, no!

He's pulls my hair and I bite down on my lower lip absorbing the pain. He begins to burry his foot into my spine, kicking me repeatedly and I use every ounce of strength I have left to not scream and cry out of pure pain.

He flips me onto my back and creeps his hands over my body attaching his fingertips to the button on my pants.

I force down my whimpers and try my hardest to fight back, but it's no use. He has me right where he wants me and I'm rendered powerless.

Just before he could fumble with the button, a distinct voice shouts filling me with hope and assurance, it was Harry.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" His veins pop out of his neck as he grabs the man and pins him against the wall. Harry begins punching him drawing blood from his lip and screaming in his face.

"Angel, ANGEL!" I feel my body being gently shaken and the voice speaking to me sounds slightly worried.

I slowly open my eyes and see two emerald ones staring at me. I quickly sit up and take a deep breath wiping the light sweat above my brows as a single tear rolls down my left cheek.

"Angel are you okay? You were tossing and turning in your sleep." Harry cautiously says as he brings up his hand and wipes away the tear.

"I uh, um... Just a bad dream." I honestly answer not breaking my gaze from his. He looked as though he wanted to ask me what it was about, he looked like he was curious and wanted to know but he didn't even utter a single question. It looked as though he understood it was a touchy subject, without me even saying a word.

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