Chapter 2

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Still Todoroki's Pov.

"Don't give up yet! You still have one more lap to do!" the voice of Prince Eric snaps me out of my thoughts. I weakly glance over to him and notice the seriousness in his eyes. "You can do it." The only thing he gets out of me is nodding my head.

I force myself to start running around Antarctica while making sure I don't lose my balance and fall to my doom during the last lap, especially when I have to climb up the mountains that are in my way. My breathing is getting heavy and my pace is slowly down.

I feel frost bites appearing on my skin, due to the lack of warmth. I can't fully concentrate on my fire quirk to keep me warm up when I'm this exhausted and tired. It doesn't really help that I lost both of the flat shoes during the laps, and that my feet are freezing.

I'm going to be turned into a Popsicle if I lose any more of my body heat. The weather is getting worse by the minutes, telling me that a snow storm is coming in my way. I need to finish this exhausting lap as soon as possible or else I'll be caught up in the snow storm.

It literally takes me a good three hours, just to finish the final lap. It should be around 4 in the freaking morning when I finished sprinting around Antarctica. I collapse down onto my knees and face-plant against the snow with a sigh of relief escaping from my mouth. The last thing I remember is seeing Prince Eric reaching for me before I close my eyes and everything goes black.

Waking up from consciousness, I open my eyes and immediately realize that I'm in some kind of cave. I also note there's a bonfire a few distance from me, and yet, I'm still very cold. I'm not too surprised since I'm only wearing a black dress. I wrap my arms around my body and try to warm myself up.

"Where is-"I'm cut off by a powerful and intimidated aura suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

"I see you have finally awakened," the voice of Prince Eric states. I glance over and see him standing there, holding a couple of woods in his arms. He dumps them into the fire and heads over to the other side of the fire pit. Then he sits down on the ground and leans his back against the wooden log behind him.

"How long was I out, your highness?" I quiz.

"You have been out for 20 minutes," Prince Eric coldly answers.

"I see..." I trail off. It doesn't really feel like I've been unconscious for 20 minutes. My body continues shaking from the cold and the frost spites.

"You have done pretty well for your first day. I didn't expect you to finish all of the laps," Prince Eric comments.

"D-Did you honestly think I-I wouldn't have taking my training serious?" I tremble. I keep rubbing my arms to bring warmth to my body.

"No, most humans don't take training seriously and believed that they are already strong enough to take on anyone. They are truly pathetic if they think they can take on anyone that comes cross path with them," Prince Eric basically insults the humankind.

I don't really blame him for saying that. We humans have changed dramatically over the years. The women have become really cocky about wining battles with our 'quirks' that didn't exist back in 1800s and the males are been treated as sex slave or outcast.

"I'm n-not one of those 'humans' that don't care a-a-about training and go straight into battles, expecting to defeat t-t-their foes with ease. I want to train until I c-c-can no longer able to move my body or else I'll never going surpass my limits," I announce. Curse my stutter. I would have sound like I'm serious if I wasn't so damn cold.

"I can see the determination in your eyes that you will go through with this training and take it serious," Prince Eric tells me after a minute or two of silence. I'm just about to say something when a sneezes come out of my mouth, ruining our little conversation. Eric observes my appearance and notice how pale and cold I am. "...Are you still cold?"

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