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(y/n) - your name


I dry hurl lightly as I fall face flat onto the golden floor of the Bifrost, groaning from the queasiness. "I hate transporting around like this..." I stagger up on my feet, eager to say hi to Heimdall. "You're not Heimdall." I blink at the short bald man that gaped at me.

"Who are you!?" I ignore him cause he wasn't relevant and shift my weight from foot to foot.

I shouldn't use my powers already but the bridge is too long...

I hover off the floor softly, flying down the bridge at a breezy pace. I grin as I look up at Asgard, looking as beautiful as ever as the sun hung high and the rushing water crossed beneath the bridge. "I can't wait to see Loki! I've missed this place!" I grin and spin around, pacing myself down the streets and fly over the citizens. Most of them don't pay attention to me but I do wave to the little kids that look up at me in awe.

I fly up towards the palace when I notice a large group of people on a balcony, hovering behind them to see some play being acted out as Loki was chilling in a chair disguised as Odin.

Living the lavish life I see.

I smirk as I see Loki stop eating his grapes, him looking around the crowd but I duck down just out of his view. I lean back up, looking around the palace and I suddenly notice the big ass statue of Loki.

You really are just milking this whole ruling thing huh.

I mutter in my head and I know Loki could hear me as he whipped his head around. The bald guy from Bifrost suddenly shows up amongst the crowd, interrupting the play.

"King Odin, someone has-"

"-do not interrupt this commemorative play." Loki cuts the bald guy off.

"But King Odin, there is a woman that just-"

"-I suggest that you inform me of your news after the play is over." Loki glares at the bald guy and he cowers but doesn't back down.

"King Odin! A woman just came out from the Bifrost!" Loki finally freezes and I grin, speaking in my head for him to hear.

I guess you now know.

"What did this woman look like?" the bald guy describes me and Loki stops the play, sending the citizens away quickly. I fly up to hide behind Loki's statue, waiting for the balcony to be empty before I plant myself to sit on the statues head.

"This is one big ass statue Loki. I assume you're enjoying people looking up to you like a legend." I call out, swinging my legs back and forth as I leaned on the horn. I beam at Loki as his eyes landed on me, a giant smile growing on his face as he drops his disguise.

"(y/n)!?" I land down on the floor and I run for Loki, jumping him. "You're here!" he picks me up as I hug him tightly, spinning me around and I chuckle. "You're actually here!" Loki just held me tightly for a long time, sighing out happily against my hair before he set me down on my feet.

"I told you I would be back, didn't I?" I smile up at him as he holds my face, checking that I wasn't an illusion. "How have you been?" Loki lets me go, quickly pulling me to the chair and sits me down.

"Ruling Asgard is a very important job, you could even say stressful."

"I bet." I smirk, eating some grapes.

"And how are you?" Loki shifts closer to me and my cheeks heat up from the movement.

"Been busy on Midgard so to say." I shrug. "Making sure no one gets too hurt badly." Loki looks over me and his eyes narrow on my arms, slight fear on his face. "What?"

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