So, Your Gay Cousin Came Out?

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Okay, obviously the title is a joke.

Because it's obvious youre the gay cousin.

Unless you don't have any cousins...?

Okay, okay. I'll stop. For now.

Believe it or not, this chapter has nothing to do with cousins. Kinda.

It's all about what to do if someone comes out to you! HOORAY!!

Sorry, feeling kinda silly right now, im trying to mask the pain, YOU KNOW? lol

Okay, okay. Serious mode activated.

Coming out, as you know, is a hard process. Its stressful, and just, a lot of the time, un-fun.

So what do you do if someone you love, trust, and care about comes out to you?

Well, first of all, you want to be supportive, obviously.

i. Be supportive!

If someone works up all that courage to come out, are you really going to turn a cold shoulder? No. You won't. Because that's rude. But not to worry! If you're reading this book then I am nearly 100% sure you are all supportive of lgbt. And also over half of you ARE lgbt.

ii. Don't blow them off!

Don't go, "oh, yeah, whatever,' because, as we already discussed, coming out is hard. It takes courage. Blowing someone off like that can really hurt their feelings.

Now, i'm not saying go make a big deal out of it, like, for example, running outside naked wrapped in a rainbow flag... that's supportive I guess, but just... no. Nobody wants to see that. lol

Instead, tell them something along the lines of, "Thank you for coming out to me. I appreciate you trusting me with this knowledge."

And, if you're feeling REALLY generous... BUY A CAKE FOR THE OCCASION! Its simple, yet such a kind gesture. And, its not too over the top :)

Besides, who could say no to cake?

Now, coming out as trans or something similar is a lot harder, to be honest. So, you should do the things above, but also with some extra steps.

iii. This calls for a MAKEOVER!!

Say someone you know just came out as trans... what kind of precious bab wouldn't want a knew makeover to signify the new them? I mean, obviously, if they like their look, then that's cool, too! But a makeover nonetheless couldn't hurt, right? :)

Take them out, let them have their hair done, get them a change of wardrobe, etc, etc!

Or, if circumstances tell you no and that you aren't allowed to do that, then showing your love and support should be just enough :)

(Although that cake still wouldn't hurt! Nobody has to know what its for 🙂❤)

So that's all for today, my guys, gals, & nonbinary pals! I love you all. 💕

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