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Ah, naming. It's a good way to ease Dysphoria. Are you trans? MtF or FtM? Choosing a name that you like or better fits the new you is crucial to some people, but definitely optional if you're comfortable with your name. 

Picking A Name:

The name you pick is important. This will likely be your lifelong choice, so it has to be a good name, right? Generally, there are few rules to picking a name. Whether you're FtM, MtF, Enby, or even Cis, picking a name is important.

I recommend checking out later chapters that appear in this book. "Girl names", "Boy names", and "Unisex names". However, if none of those click with you, feel free to look around some more.

Picking a name can be as easy as counting to 3, or as hard as putting an airplane together as an unexperienced mechanic. You can simply scroll lists and find a name you like, or even pick a name that has some significance to you.

Here are some examples of how certain people choose new names:

- Choose the name of a deceased grandparent. (Ex: Elizabeth)

- Use your first name and middle name initials and create a new name with those. (Ex: Myles Lee to Mila)

- Use the name of a deceased beloved house pet. (Ex: Zee)

 - Shorten your real name and make that your new name. (Ex: Sepen to Pen)

- Take a part of your real name and turn it into a new name. (Ex: Hanie in Stephanie to Hannah.)

- Choose the name of nature. (Ex: Moss)

- Choose a place you've visited/want to visit. (Ex: London)

- Base off a special event that occurred to you. (Ex: Went to Disneyworld, name yourself Minnie)

So, You Picked A Name Out. Now What?

If you're legally an adult, then congrats! You have the ability to legally change your name. Yep, you heard me right. Now, this varies from state to state, and country to country, so this is general.


- Petition to change your name by filling out a name form, an order to show cause for legally changing your name, and a decree to legally change your name.

- Take these forms to the court clerk and file them along with your states required filing fees.

- In most cases, a judge or magistrate will review your forms and grant the name change.

- Some states require a more formal advertisement before you use your new name, which is done simply by posting a notice in the local newspaper.

- Use your new name!

Again, this information is general, so take it with a grain of salt. You'll be required to do your own research to determine your state or country's laws.

Rules Of Changing Your Name:

Okay, now the not so fun part. The rules. If you're all here for the reason I believe, which is with the intensions of changing your name because you don't like your birth name, then you should all be fine.

- No changing your name to escape debt liability or hide from criminal liability.

- No changing your name in order to commit a crime.

- No changing your name with the intention to mislead, which usually involves taking the name of someone famous. (Courts typically do not allow this, unless you have a convincing reason that's not related to the famous person or the use of his or her name)

- No choosing a confusing name that includes numerals or punctuation. (Although, some courts have permitted people to spell out the numbers, for example, 'Seven', instead of '7')

- No choosing a name that could intimidate, offend, be considered obscene, or is any type of slur.


The cost will range anywhere from $150 to $500.

After The Name Change:

After the name change, you will have to update important documents.

- Birth Certificate

- Driver's License (If you have t)

- Social Security Card

- Passport

- Your vehicle title

- Update your name with the mail delivery in your area (Usually, USPS)

- Bank Accounts

- Request new credit cards with your new name

Again, this is a long, but worthy process. You just need to be fully willing to take the time to change your name legally.

Lastly... Why Would I Ever Want To Change My Name?

Changing your name legally is very important to some people. Whether you be MtF, FtM, Enby, or even Cisgendered, changing a name can be an important step.

But you already knew that.

Sometimes, people get thrown into panic attacks upon hearing their birth name. It can remind them of an unhappy time, and that's not good! Being comfortable with yourself is the first step to living a happy life, and to be comfortable with yourself, some people may have to change their names. And that's okay.

And yes, even Cis people change their names. Again, it's all a matter of how comfrotable they are with their birth name.

Note, this process is hard for minors. You need guardians willing enough to help you change your name, which a lot of people don't have. To make you feel a bit better, create a social media account and use your chosen name. Ask people you trust to call you by your given name, or even write your given name over and over in a notebook to get your point across. Stay strong. Yall got this.

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