Someone Disrespected My Pronouns!

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"What to do if someone disrespects my pronouns/name?"

Someone disrespecting your name and/or pronouns is not okay! That is highly offensive, upsetting, and can cause panic attacks, in severe cases.

Before we dive head first into it, I want to note: if someone accidently misgenders you, then you should kindly correct them.

If you come out to someone and tell them your preferred name/pronouns, and they mess up a couple of times. That is okay. We as humans - unless you don't identify as a human, this still applies - make mistakes. It's just nature.

Making a few mistakes like such wouldn't be the end of the world. And honestly, it isn't your place to get upset with them. Not to be rude or anything! But it's true.

Kindly correct them and move on. They'll get there eventually.

Now, unless...

Unless, of course, they do it on purpose. This actually happened to me. My old friend refused to call me by my given name because, and I quote, "it's unnatural".

She did eventually come around, but some people aren't that lucky. SO, let's go over what to do in that scenario.

If a friend misgenders you:

Being misgendered by a friend is heartbreaking, to be completely honest.

But, also being honest, are they really a friend if they do that?

No. Not really.

A good friend would respect your pronouns and your new name. Like I said, they can still be supportive and make mistakes. It. Is. Natural.

But if someone purposely does it for extended amounts of time, then buddy, its time to find some new friends.

Cut them off and find someone better! Someone you deserve.

If a family member - extended or immediate - misgenders you:

This can be so hard. And for a lot of people including myself, it happens everyday.

Unfortunately, being a minor, you can't do much because, you know.

So, a lot of the time you have to just suck it up. It's horrible, yes, but there really isn't much to do.

If you are above 18, however, it makes it a lot easier. Unless, you lean on family for support financially. But if not, then move the heck out of there and get someone you deserve!

Remember, you all... you got this. Don't doubt yourself.

Love you! Zero.

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