Omnisexual vs Pansexual

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Omnisexual: Someone who is attracted to all genders. Much like pansexual. However, they are not gender-blind like pansexuals.

Pansexual: Someone who is attracted to all genders. This may include Non-binary, Gender-fluid, etc. Are considered gender-blind.

Gender blind: Not distinguishing or discriminating between different genders.

With this being said, what is the difference between Omnisexual and Pansexual?

The difference:

Pansexual is when you don't take gender into account at all and like the person regardless of their gender identity. Omnisexual in when you can be attracted to all genders, but you take gender into account and may like different genders in different ways, or have preferences.

It's passed around a lot, but that is a definition that should be easy for you to understand.

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