Chapter 12

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As I am contemplating what to do I hear a large grinding sound. I turn around and the wall on the only pathway is closing. I feel like I should run to it and try to get out but I don't. If the voice wants me trapped in here then it doesn't matter what I will do.
The wall clicks shut. I think I am numb. I don't care what he does to me anymore. I can get through it if I don't feel anything. Deep in mind I know that if I let all of my emotions come to the surface I would be unable to go on. I need to go on. I am going to get out of here.
As I am giving myself my sort of pep talk the floor clicks open. A metal hoop rises out of the ground. It is still connected to the ground which at first I think is weird. Then I know what to do. I might be excited that at least something in this confusing place but like I said I went numb.
I take the rope out of my backpack. I am so glad me and my dad spent all that time climbing mountains and stuff. I never wanted to but he always dragged me along. I take the end of the rope and tie it to the hoop. I stand back and pull the rope as hard as I can. It holds. Something is going right. I attach the harness to my waist and tie the rope on that too. I make sure my backpack is securely on and go over to the ledge. I look over it. I thought when I first saw darkness after all this bright it would be comforting. It isn't. I don't like the uncertainty.
I have to do this I think to myself. There is no other way.
I close my eyes and take the plunge. When the rope runs out and I jerk to a stop I yelp. I wish I hadn't, I can feel that voice laughing at me. I push all thoughts of the voice deep down inside my head and focus on the slow agonizing journey down.

When I said slow going I meant slow going. I never noticed how slow this was with my dad. He is a pretty fun and entertaining guy. I wish he was with me now. He would know exactly what to do in all of these situations.
Then the wall in front of me disappears. I almost scream but choke instead. That when I see the bright light. I sigh. I must have made it. I am super carful stepping on to the platform and taking of the harness. I really don't feel like falling to my death today. I look around and there isn't a hallway leading back into the maze. There isn't a door either. Instead there is a cot and a table with a white box on it. The cot is metal and only has a mattress on it. The bed isn't that big maybe half a foot tall. There is a metal foldable chair under the table. I approach the box carefully. I keep one hand on my knife as I reach to pick it up. I quickly throw it off and whip my knife out and point it at it.
"There was no need for that" The voice says but I ignore him. There is only a plate on the plate is a piece of lined paper with and a white sharpened pencil. I am confused. What does he want me to do with this?
"Write a letter to whoever you want. You have my promise that it will be delivered."
I don't believe what I am hear and even seeing the words on the wall doesn't convince me.
"Why?" I choke out, "why would you let me do this?"
"Can't I do this because I am a nice person?"
The words make my blood boil. Nice people don't trap other people in mazes.
"No" I say just loud enough for him to hear me.
"No you won't write the letter?"
"No you can't do this because your nice," I practically spit the words out, "you are probably the worst, most sociopathic thing in the whole universe!"
So much for being totally numb. "I hate you!"
"Hey that hurt my feelings." The voice is computerized but I can still hear the sarcasm. How can he be like that. So distant and unfeeling.
"What kind of monster are you? Why can't you leave me alone?" I feel like punching something. I do. I punch the wall over and over again. I want to be out of here. I want to be punching whoever is controlling this not some stupid wall. By the time I am finished the wall is no longer white. It is a bright red and so are my knuckles. My face is wet with tears. I want to be done. I crawl to the cot. I don't care if it makes the voice think I am weak. I don't care if anyone thinks I am weak. Maybe I am. I pull myself up into the clot. I curl up into a little ball hoping to protect myself form whatever is to come because I am not done. That is the only thing I am sure of.

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