Chapter 21

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I can't shake the feeling that I am coming up on something huge. Everything seems to be so much quieter. The voice hasn't said anything for a while.
I run a little faster then normal. If something is coming I am determined to be ready. There could be an option for escape. I want to escape so badly. I do not want to die. Despite my previous wishes to do so. I am more determined then ever to get out. I want to tell everyone the horrors of this maze. I want whoever is controlling it to be punished. Maybe I can find out who else he has your tortured and killed and they will get justice too.
I start to breathe heavily. How long have I been running? My mouth is very dry.
I stop and take out my water and some nuts. My backpack is still covered in blood. I hate looking at it. What if it is the blood of his past victims. How many are there.
I think of all of the missing people posters in stores. All the ones who were never found. What if they all were in the maze.
I decide that would be impossible. There would be too many. I need to stop scaring myself with these horrible thoughts. They aren't helping me get out. I need to focus.
Focus on what? The absolute hopelessness of this situation. Whatever terror I will have to go through next. How I stabbed my father to death.
What else is there?
I sit and lean against the wall. I bury my face in my knees. I want to cry but what good would that do? And besides the tears just refuse to come. It doesn't matter. Tears won't provide any relief but escaping will. I can't escape if I am too busy crying.
I look up and am Shocked to find that I am not alone.
There is a man or I think it's a man that is wearing black armor exactly like mine. He must be at least 6 feet tall. I can't see his face because he wears a helmet. Is this another on of his victims? Does he put more then one person in the maze at a time? How long has he been here?
"Hello." I say softly so not to spook him. I know I am hardly even sure if he is real. I can imagine if he has been through any of the things that I have then he must feel the same way.
I smile, "I'm Victoria... or Tori whatever you prefer."
He doesn't move.
What's wrong with him?
"Are you okay?" I ask but this time a little more weary. This is beginning to look more and more like a trick.
I slowly reach for my knife. As I wrap my fingers around the handle he lifts his arm.
I realize that what I thought was simply of a gloved hand is actually a small gun.
I dive out of the way Just as he shoots. Instead of a bullet and oval object attaches itself to the wall and explodes.
I am not far enough away. I get thrown into a wall. Dust falls and I can barely see. I hope gunman exploded too.
No such luck.
When the dust settles I see him there standing in the exact same spot. He is defiantly not human. Some sort if robot maybe?
But even if he is a robot how was it not blown to bits?
It turns around slowly. As soon as it faces me it freezes. Then he starts to walk slowly toward me. Now that he is moving I know he is a robot. Every time he moves there are little mechanical clicks and when I listen closely I can here a low constant humming.
I reach with a shaking hand to grab my knife but it isn't secured to my suit. I frantically look around and I see it maybe 15 feet away.
I remember detaching it to defend myself before the explosions. The robot is getting closer and I start to get even more nervous. I start to think that there is no way out. But the voice always gives a way out. That is part of the game right?
My mind is totally blank. I can't think. The robot lifts his arm up again. I start to push myself up to try to get out of the way but my side feels like it is on fire. His little gun thing clicks.
I have to move.
I try and ignore the pain. I manage to jump out of the way just as the wall explodes. I am thrown out of the way again but this time the backpack softens the blow.
I hear a horrible squishing sound. I freak out for a second about my supplies. Then I remember about this more pressing matter. Besides if I am dead supplies will not seem all that important. I manage to get up and start to run. My side explodes in pain. I pick up my knife and run through the first whole in the wall.
That thing doesn't look like it can move to fast. All I need to do is put some distance in between us and then hide out. Assuming the voice isn't telling it my location.
I look back to se if it has even made it through the whole yet and I am surprised to find that not only has it made it through but he is gaining on me.
Apparently the robot is a lot faster then I thought. I take a sudden turn and then another and another. I keep going until I can't count anymore. Hopefully it will take a while for him to find me now.
I lean against the wall and slide down. I can't seem to catch my breath.
I need to come up with a plan. Fast.

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