Chapter 23

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I wake up face down. I jump up expecting to be covered in giant hairy talking spiders.
Turns out none of that ever happened.
"Stupid stupid stupid!" I mumble.
Then I push myself up off the ground. The pain in my side is more manageable then before. I don't feel like blacking out or throwing up.
It depresses me to know that that's what fine nowadays. No vomiting or passing out and I'm okay.

Once I start walking my empty stomach starts to bother me. Of course that reminds me my mouth that currently feels like sandpaper.
I keep moving with only one thought in my mind.
I need to find a checkpoint.

If there even is another checkpoint. I that robot could have killed me. Maybe that's what he is trying to do. The robot failed so now he will just wait until I die of dehydration. I am sure he won't mind watching me die a slow excruciating death.
"Are you trying to kill me?" I scream but my voice is hoarse. "Your little pet couldn't do it so now you are going to wait for nature to take its course."
At first he doesn't answer so I tart to move again.
"As tempting as that sounds it is not my plan."
I roll my eyes. I try to act annoyed but this terrifies me. I would rather know that he will kill me then stay alive and have no idea what happens next.
"So then what are you planning because currently that looks like the road I am going on."
No verbal response but there is a loud click. I can figure out where it came from.
Something falls down next to me just inches from my face. I shriek and wave my knife at the air. I can't help it. I am just so on edge.
Next to me is a white fat cylinder. I kick it once to to make sure there aren't any surprises. It scoots a little forward but other then that it seems okay.
I kneel next to it and peel of the cover. In it is a medium sized water bottle, a granola bar and a little bag of dried mangos.
I sigh with relief.
First I take a drink from the water bottle. I already feel so much better. Next I start on the granola bar. My jaw hurts a little when I chew. I hope nothing is seriously wrong. I can't deal with anymore injures. My hand is already killing me.
After I finish the bar I carefully peel off the makeshift bandage off my hand. I pour a little bit of my precious water on it until it is slightly damp. Then I wrap it back on my hand. It feels much better already. I do all of this without looking at my hand. I have food in my stomach now and I would prefer to keep it there.
After that is done I drink the majority of the water. No point in saving it. I have nothing to carry it in. This box has no handles and would be to much of a hassle to take with me.
I leave the rest of the water and the mangos for after I get a little sleep.
Despite my many unwanted recent naps I am still very tired.
I lay down in the hard floor. The light is giving me a headache and I wish for my sunglasses again. Why does he have to keep it so bright in here anyways. I can't imagine what his electricity bills look like.
He must be pretty well off to be able to pay for all this.
I jerk up almost happy. I have a clue! A clue to the identity of the computerized voices. Granted its not much but there are less rich people in the world then middle class citizens.
Of course him being rich might only cause problems if I get out and try to bring him to justice. He probably has an army if lawyers.
This gets me thinking about other things I know about the voice which isn't very much. For starters he... well I actually don't know that it is a he.
I guess I have just been assuming this whole time. But then again I can't imagine a woman being so sadistic. I decide to continue thinking of the voice as a he.
After a little more thinking I realize that I know nothing else other then he is some sort of psychopath or sociopath. I decide to continue with my pans of sleep.
I lay down again. I am just about to drift off when a loud blaring siren fills the whole maze. I love loud music and stuff but this is a whole new level of loud. why can't he just let me sleep.
He must want me to start moving again. Well I have some news for him he I am not moving from this spot until I get some sleep.
I realize that this threat is useless and he can make me do anything he likes which scares the heck out of me by the way. But I need to have some amount of control. I will move when I want to move.
Besides if any noise continues for long enough a person can get used to it. Probably enough to sleep.
Of course this only works if the siren is a constant noise. This one wasn't.
As soon as I laid back down the siren stopped. I figure he must have realized it was useless trying to get me to move. Then just as I am about to fall asleep again the siren starts up and this time if possible it is louder then before.
"Great." I mumble but I can't here even myself speak, "just great."

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