Chapter 9

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I wish the lights would have stayed off. I know I would hate not being able to see anything but darkness would be preferable to the millions of harry spiders crawling towards the pedestal. I absolutely hate spiders. I can't even look at a picture of one. Now here I am surrounded by more of them then I have ever seen before.
"Help Help someone help me!" I scream even though I know no one even knows where I am. No one is coming. I try to scream again but the words are caught in my throat. My palms are sweaty and I am breathing twice as fast. I wish I would have chosen the death door, even that would have been better then this. Tears begin fall from my eyes and I can no longer move. All the while the spiders are coming closer. I hear Hunter bark at them and it brings me back. I start to shake. I tilt my head up towards the ceiling and try to calm down, I try to slow my breathing instead I scream... again.
The ceiling is also covered with huge spiders. I am surrounded.I am going to die there is no way out of this.
Scary thoughts flood my mind when something falls on my face and starts to move. It is on my face! The spider is on my face! I shake and throw it off me. When I do I turn and see a door. It is a small trapdoor in the corner of the room. It's too far away and I am too scared to come down from my pedestal. The spiders are getting closer.
"Better hurry or this might as well have been the death door." The voice says and I am filled with anger at the image of this sick person laughing at me.
"How do you expect me to get there" I yell back.
"Oh I have given everything you need."
What the heck does that mean? It means he gave me something I can use. I quickly take incontrovertible of what I have. A few water bottles, some dried fruit and meat, some protein bars. I have Hunter but what can he do about a million spiders? Maybe the dog is what he meant? No of course not he couldn't have known I wouldn't have killed him. I pay Hunter and try to calm myself. There must be something... the dog treat? My excitement quickly turns to disappointment. How could a dog treat help. That makes no sense. But Hunter did bark at it instead of eating is so maybe it isn't normal.
I take it out and look at it. It still looks the same, it feels the same. It is just an ordinary dog treat. I feel foolish for thinking anything of it. It's probably poison like I originally thought. The voice was just trying to get rid of Hunter. I am about to throw it way in disgust when I hear something rattle on the inside.How could I not have noticed that before. I break it in half and inside are four metal devices. I stare at it. How will this help me? The spiders have just reached the pedestal and are starting to climb up. I don't know how this is supposed to help me. I he never been a someone who knows how machines work and this thing is so intricate and complicated. It has to do something so I throw one down right next to the plat form. It starts to glow and heat up until it explodes. It is only a small explosion but it killed all the spiders with in a ten foot radius. I throw the next one farther but this time I don't woot for it to explode. I jump down and run carefully avoiding the dead spiders. Hunter follows close behind. The next one explodes and as I am running I throw another one. this one creates a clear path to the door. I open it slide through. I hold it open for hunter who leaps on into the floor. Then I start to run. I hardly notice that I am back into the maze. I don't care. Right now this is preferable to the spider room. I just keep running taking random turns. I want to be as far way from that room as possible. Eventually I collapse. I am so tired. Hunter lies over me creating a blanket. I sigh with relief. I don't bother with the sun glasses. The bright lights and hard floors don't bother me at this point nothing could. I quickly am sleeping.
I dream of giant spiders eating me alive.

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