Chapter 7

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For the first time since I got here I wake actually feeling ok. I take off my sunglasses and slip them into a pocket in my backpack. I give hunter some beef jerky and water. I eat a protein bar. Two of my water bottles are gone along with a pack of jerky. I still have plenty of everything but the fact that I am using it so quickly scares me. I am hoping to cover a lot of ground today. I put on my backpack and start to walk. Hunter follows.
I begin to get tired of walking aimlessly and sit down for a drink. I sigh loudly and pet Hunter. I close my eyes for a moment and imagine myself out of this place. In my back yard with my dad kicking around a soccer ball or throwing a football. Playing with my dogs. Or with friends hanging out. I would rather be at school then here right now. I open my eyes but the imagining did not change my reality. I am here in this maze.At least the voice has been silent. Every time he says something I want to scream. The little words appearing on the walls repeating his every word are so anoying, it makes me want to smash the walls. I pat Hunter and get up again. I continue walking. I walk so fast that I almost trip over the little white box in the middle of the path. It is a perfect square and no bigger than my hand. I back away slowly expecting it to explode or something. Nothing happens. Hunter goes up to it and sniffs it. Nothing happens. I slowly walk towards it. I pick it up and shake it. Something rattles inside. I open slowly open it. I look inside it. I am sure there is the funniest look in my face. Hunter sniffs it and barks.
"What the hell is this"

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