Chapter 18

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I wake up more tired then I was before. For a moment I wonder why but then I remember. A wave of hopelessness washes over me and I want to cry again. I refuse to let myself. If I start to cry I don't think I will ever stop.
"I want to go home." I whisper. I am not sure if any sound came out. I was probably only mouthing the words. I want to be a little kid again so I can stop my feet and scream at the top of my longs. But I am not a Kid. No one is going to run to me and ask what's wrong or scold me for throwing a tantrum.
I look in my backpack for something to eat. I take out some beef Jerky but I am not hungry. I try to remember the last time I ate but my whole mind is foggy. I think it was right before I puked. So I have absolutely no food in me right now but I am still not hungry. That's a bad sign or at least I think it is. I remember hearing something like that. What if I die. Frankly right now I wouldn't care but starvation is probably a horrible way to go and it would take way to long. Dehydration might be faster but equally unpleasant. For a moment I think I might be able to go back to the cliff, cut some rope and find a way to hang myself but the voice would probably catch on and stop me. Besides there is no way I am going through the hallway with the pink mist again.
I sigh. This sucks. There is no way for me to end this. Maybe I can beat him somehow. If he is planning on killing me at the end I can escape then. I have a weapon so it shouldn't be that difficult. I try to convince myself that this is the best possible plan. I don't let myself think of all the flaws.
I get up and start to walk nibbling on a bit of Jerky. I occasionally sip some water. I really hope he won't do anything today. I need some rest. Somehow I don't think that is the plan though. I finish eating and jog slowly.
After a couple turns I see something written on the ground. It is bright red paint. I hope it's paint.
I run faster so I can see what it says. I stop dead in my tracks as soon as I can read it. I stop breathing. I think my heart stopped beating for a second.
I reread it again just to be sure.
I don't like cheaters
It said and it scared me to death. The voice has always sounded vaguely sarcastic, maybe a little bit eccentric and sometimes a little board but never angry. He had never done something that so blatantly showed anger. If everything he did to me before he did because he was having fun then what would he do when he was angry? That was something I didn't want to see.
"I... am sorry... I didn't mean to."
For a terrifying moment there is silence. Then he speaks.
"I told you the rules. There was to be no cheating but you did it anyway."
I think fast, "but I didn't know... you didn't specify what you counted as cheating."
He is silent.
"I swear if I knew I wouldn't have done it."
Silence. It is no use. I suppose it's too much to hope that he would just kill me. I need a plan. I rummage through my backpack. The only things I have that could possibly protect me is that tiny bomb thing, my knife and my armor. But unless you count beef jerky as a weapon then that is it.
I could run. The thought is a marvelous one. If he can't catch me then he can't do anything. I put the bomb thing in an easily accessible pocket, slip my backpack on and take off. I know this isn't a very good permanent plan but it is a solution. I try to think of one as I am sprinting but the beating of my heart is too loud for me to focus on anything.
After about 15 minutes I slow down just enough to take a sip of water and catch my breathe. After another 15 I realize that this plan was really stupid. So I got away for 3o minutes. What good does that do? Now I am too tired to fight anyone off.
I start to run again desperate for something, anything to put of the investable.
I hear a loud bang behind me and the a crash as I am turning a corner. I turn my head around to look but there is nothing there not that I get a lot of time to look. I am to busy crashing into walls.
"Ahhh." I scream. I was running so fast that I bounced right of and landed on the ground.
I rub my forehead, "ow." I wince.
My hurting head and possible concussion is the least of my problems though. The walls are starting to close in on me.
"Wow." the voice remarks, "you kept that up that running thing for 35 minutes. Good job."
At least he doesn't sound angry. He sounds like he did before. This process little comfort as the walls inch closer and closer. I curl up and hold my head between my knees. I really hope it's quick.
I squeeze my eyes shut and I can feel the wall in front of me just touching my toes when it stops. I look up. The walls have just stopped.
I sigh with relief. So I won't get crushed today after all.
That only makes me feel a tiny but better while I wait for him to unleash time other terror on me.

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