Chapter 22

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I try to remember all the supplies I have. Most of them will probably be crushed or destroyed but there has to something.
The bomb! From the spiders!
It takes me a few seconds to realize how bad it actually is. He has been throwing bombs around left and right. The obviously have no effect on him. And if a bomb that blew a whole in a wall can't hurt him then what will my little bomb do.
I hear mechanical footsteps getting closer. I have to do something now or I will never get home.
I think but my minds remains horrifyingly blank.
The mechanical footsteps get closer and closer. I will just have to improvise.
First a distraction.
Get him to not focus on me. I practically rip a cap of an empty water bottle. I wait until he just steps into view and throw it down the hallway just across from me. I pray it works.
It does he looks the other way and I have bought myself a few precious seconds.
Second, I need to get rid of that exploding gun thing in his arm. Problem it is attached to his arm.
I glance at my own bomb and get a crazy idea. So crazy that it just might work.
It has turned away from me completely now. Now with my knife in one hand and my mini bomb in the other I slowly creep up on it.
When I get with in a few inches the robot start to turn around. I must not have been as quiet as I thought.
It is now or never.
I jump onto its back and hang on for dear life. It try's to shake me off but I keep holding on. I put my knife up to its throat. I know this was a stupid risk but I figured there must be some point where the head and neck were connected. A soft spot.
At first I can't find one. And it is getting harder and harder to hold on. Then I move my knife just a tiny bit and it sinks in. I push harder and a liquid of some kind rushes out and on to my hand. I can't see it but I hope it isn't blood or something equally disgusting. This doesn't stop the robot but he does slow down. This gives me a chance to get a better grip.
The robot lifts up his hand with the exploding gun. His hand/gun twists around until it is right in my face.
I freeze for just a second. I am really really scared. What if it doesn't work.
I don't let myself think about it any longer. I take my bomb and shove it him the barrel of his gun just as he pulls the trigger.
I push of its back and jump through the air. I don't get ver far when the robot explodes. I am pushed forward at a faster rate. Bits of metal and black fabric fly past me. I feel like everything is going in slow motion. My fall is taking five minute when it should be only taking a few second.
Something hits my side and it explodes with pain. I think I scream but I can't hear it. I land on the ground with a thud.
I think I may be a few hallways over. It try to get up but the pain in my side is too much. My head is throbbing. My legs don't listen when I tell then to move.
I am so tired. I just want to sleep.
Yes sleep is good.
I like sleep
Everything goes dark.

I wake up to a horrible pain in my side. My hand subconsciously goes to it. It comes away sticky. Blood. I am bleeding. This shocked me a wake. I look around. I am still in the maze. The bright lights hurt my aching head more then usual. I reach for my backpack to grab my sunglasses but it isn't there. My backpack is gone! All of my food, my water! All of my supplies.
I try to get up and look for it but there is just more pain. I manage to sit up and scoot to a wall. I lean against it and close my eyes. I want to sleep again. I can already feel darkness descending. I let it come. I don't have enough energy to fight it.

When I come to the pain is a little more dull but just a little. My head feels a lot better too. No more throbbing. Not that those pains lessened I realize that my hand feels awful. Its like this kind of searing pain. I look down and there is this horrible burn. It is all red and horrible. I turn away and then puke. This only hurts my side more and I puke again. When I finish I am shaking and crying. After a while it gets so bad that I resort to talking to myself.
"Okay Tori. You need to clam down. Focus on one thing at a time." I say to myself. I bet I sound crazy but currently I am beyond caring, "first your side. We need to get that fixed up."
I look around for anything I can use. I am surrounded by scraps of black cloth and little bits of metal. I also managed to hold on to my knife. Figures that the only thing that I have managed to hold onto is the one thing I actually don't need.
I grab all the cloth scraps that I can without moving. There aren't a lot in the first place and very few of them are within my reach.
I get them all in a meat little pile right next to me. Then for the first time I look at my side. There is a six inch piece of silver metal sticking out. It and my suit are stains with blood but it looks like the bleeding has stopped. Maybe the suit is tight enough that it acted like a bandage and stopped the bleeding.
Looking at it makes me want to puke again but I don't have anything left in my stomach.
I am glad. this will make taking it out a lot easier. I have to use my left hand because doing anything with my right brings on a searing pain.
I grip it as tight as I can without cutting that hand. I start to pull. Slowly it starts to ease its way out. It hurts a lot and I get dangerously close to blacking out again but this time I do fight it.
I pull the shard out and then throw it as far away as possible. It hits a wall and clatters to the ground. I never want to see it again.
I look at my wound. A small steam of blood starts to trickle out. There is a small tear in my suit.
The something amazing happens. The threads around it start to move and see themselves together again.
It only takes about five seconds but I can't stop staring at it. Did I imagine that whole thing? The shard, the whole, all that blood?
It can't be. Does this suit actually repair itself. How could I have not noticed that before? Have I ever even had the chance to see it before?
My awe is interrupted by another blast of pain from my hand.
I glance at it again and it looks no better then before. In fact I would say that it might look worse.
I didn't think I had anything left to puke up. Apparently my stomach found something. All the other puke is starting to stink too which does not help.
When I am done I do not look at the hand again. I pick up the biggest piece of cloth and wrap it around without looking at it. Everything the black cloth comes in contact with the burned skin it stings.
I only look when it has all been covered. it still hurts. I wish I could have gotten the cloths wet first but I don't have any water.
The fact that I have no more supplies comes back in full force. I had been avoiding thinking about it until now but I have no choice. I have to figure something out.
Maybe I could make my way back to the explosion sight and find it. Right now that seems like my best bet.
I use my left hand to push myself up.
The dull pain in my side turns into a horrible burning pain.
My head starts throbbing again.
I start to get dizzy and my vision is really blurry.
That when the spider come. Or they looked like spiders but I don't think spiders talk. Right? I can't think straight. Spiders are not suppose to talk. Or are they.
Well these spiders come from everywhere. They all keep yelling and hissing at me.
"Sleep! Sleep!" The hiss. I kind of like that idea. But something tells me I shouldn't listen to them.
I... I don't think I like spiders.
This is confirmed when they start crawling on me and I start screeching involuntarily.
I don't know why I am screaming, These are nice spiders. They are telling me to sleep and I like sleeping.
"Night night Tori." They hiss at me, "time for bed Tori."
I smile.
"Night night spidies!"
The the spiders reach my face and my eyes.
Everything is dark.

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