-The one with the boys-

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Sapnap attempted remembered how he ended up here, his back pressed against the wall, knees tucked into his chest and his eyes poured out with endless tears. The voices behind the thin walls becoming clearer by the minute.

He envisioned the perfect weeks beforehand. Two weeks ago Dream has sent great news for him.  

"Hey Sapnap!" Dream called out from his room. He barged in abruptly interrupting Nick's editing, he took out one headphone and starred at the hyped blond before him. Dream began jumping up and down flapping his hands, to Sapnap it looked like he was either imitating a penguin or he was excited about something. He looked at the blond's wide smile and settled on the second option. The dirty blond finally began to speak.

"George is flying over tomorrow!" He said and jumped in a circle like a small child. Nick smiled at his friends behavior and nodded, excited to finally meet their British friend in the flesh.

"You want me to help you ask him out?" Nick said knowingly, he knew that both boys had feelings for each other. The blonds flushed and nodded slowly. Nick giggled and the sat talking about sates like middle-schoolers. Soon enough George was waiting for them at baggage claim. 

"OI hurry up i'm at baggage claim, iv'e been waiting for you for five minutes!" George said aggressively through the phone. Dream and Sapnap were running around the airport, frantically trying to pry their friend's face from the others they had never seen before. Suddenly they came to a stop and saw the brunette with furrowed eyebrows glaring at his phone while holding his suitcase with the others. Soon he was engulfed by two people and the rest was a blur mixed with tears, laughs and smiles, what Sapnap would have done to go back to those times. 

But time travel doesn't exist.

Does it?

No one will ever know because everyone is caught up in their selves. From all these years in life one of the many things that stuck is that people only care about things that concern them. Sure there is always asking someone if they're okay, such a simple question but such a bad back story, no person could ever relate to another's pain, they just assume and begin to believe their assumptions that have no proof. People lie, people disagree and turn to violence. But no one will ask you about anything that doesn't concern their self esteem or their image in general. 

Well that is what Sapnap thought.

And it was right.


The the upcoming date came out, Dream was finally going to ask George out. Nick remembered what happened like it was yesterday. Dream took George down to a nearby park and they had a picnic and stargazed, he remembered that because Dream became a total nerd about astronomy and that was when he finally asked. Then as Dream described George jumped into his arms and tears began to stream down his face as he chanted 'Yes!' Though George had always denied.  

Then before the week started it was the end and George had to leave. All he remembered was hugs, tears and pleading for George to stay, yet they knew he had to go back to England, they knew he couldn't leave such a big part of his life. Dream and George had discussed long distance, and had come up with a plan, they thought that it would be fine. Well the plan went horribly wrong, isn't it funny how things never go how you want them too? Sapnap was still pushed up against a wall as he let out a bitter, venomous laugh at his own joke. The voices behind then again got louder.

He then thought about now he got here. The following week had been horrible for Dream, while George was out at bars meeting people, Dream sat in his room wallowing in his misery while drinking shots, over shots of cheap vodka. That's when it started, Dream than begged George to come back, then he snapped.

"NO! Dream what do you not understand!? I can't come back just to see you!" George shouted through the phone.

"Well Pardon me! For wanting to see my boyfriend more than once a year!" Dream bit back, his eyes becoming glassy as Sapnap entered the room, Nick engulfed his bestfriend in a hug of which he knew he needed, George wasn't the most affectionate person. Nick heard the other line hang up, Dream's head fell limp against the shorter boy's shoulder and began sobbing loudly. Nick began rubbing Dreams back and whispering silent sentences reassuring that George would come back. They just ended up sleeping together, Nick knew that Dream needed physical comfort and attention. He needed someone else as clingy as Dream. So he dm'd Karl.

Hey Just a question can you fly here by tomorrow   He was almost certain that the answer would be no, but at least a man can try right?



Yeah I can what's the occasion

Nick felt like a weight was lifted at his shoulders knowing that another one of his best friends was always there when he needed. He smiled at the response and began to run his fingers through Dream soft hair, he looked at the boy's head in his lap, his dirty blond hair was tangled between his fingers, he had tear tracks visible coming down from his eyes to his chin, he had puffy red eyes and his bottom lip was trembling even though he was asleep, what did George do to this poor boy? Meanwhile with George he was walking down to a bar nearby trying to get his stupid, stupid boyfriend off his mind, and was there a better way than getting slightly intoxicated? 

He came to the flashing lights of the bar and his lips curved into a small smile. While he was there he began to flirt endlessly with men he didn't even know, and had no regret for his actions, Dream would mind?

Would he?

Well drunk George couldn't have cared less.

Nick than began to answer with Karl.

Yes sorry, Dream and George just had a huge fight and he needs physical attention which I can not give him, and I thought you could.

From all the way from Portland Karl frowned and began to book tickets, he screen-shotted the final tickets and sent it to Sapnap, he turned his phone on silent and began to pack. His flight was in three hours.

Sapnap gasped at the confirmation and thought he should tell Dream that he had just invited Karl to stay with them. 

"Hey, buddy, Dream," Sapnap cooed, slightly rocking the boy awake. Dream groaned in annoyance and Sapnap let out a breathy laugh.

"Karl's coming tomorrow." He said and clapped in excitement.

"Wait what?"

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