- The one with the heist-

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Karl knew the plan, he had rehearsed it in his brain over and over again for the past week. But he had failed, all he was supposed to do was take kill the monarch who ruled the country that he had come randomly across and leave as fast as possible. It also didn't help that he was carrying some valuable loot, he had gone on quite a big heist before hand and didn't have the time ti think of something smart so he had just kept it in his backpack. 

But now he was being dragged by these two guards who had caught him climbing through a window. Dumb move Karl! It was like a beginners move. Never climb through windows on the first floor! Karl! Think! So Karl was currently being dragged by these two guards. Karl couldn't see them due to the courtesy of the guard on his left who was using his large hand to keep his head facing the floor. Karl was dressed in a way that shielded his identity quite well, speaking as all them wanted photos he had a large grey hood covering his face. The thing around the rest of his body was a large grey trench coat; which came down to the floor, completely shielding his body from every angle; which connected to his hood. 

Soon Karl had come to a halt in front of what he thought was the kings throne. Karl was forced to his knees by two pairs of hand and he thrashed until the hands left his body and he could look up, but his vision was blocked by his hood.

"Put up his hood." The kings calm voice rang through the large hall. Karl would think by his calm voice that this type of thing happened a lot. A pair of hands then yanked his hood back and Karl clenched his teeth, his face soon being revealed to the room. King George; who was sitting on the phone above the small brunette looked at the kneeling boy through squinted eyes. He had a large head of fluffy brown hair which slightly drooped over his fcae. The boy had dark grey eye, like storms of clouds which swirled around and clouded over his iris. He had a small head piece which drooped down to settle in the middle of his forehead. It was a large necklace looking item which rang around Karl's head and a large middle which bead, which took the shape of a teardrop.

The king looked at him and peered at the kneeling man. He looked familiar in come sort of way. Karl was still gritting his teeth, due to the guards behind him slightly pushing their knees into the small of his back, even through his backpack the impact was large. Soon George knew how he had known the boy.

"Karl?" He asked and jumped off his large golden throne and stood over the boy with wide eyes, quickly scanning his features to know  if his theory was right.

"Yes, yes. I'm Karl. Now who the hell are you?" Karl bit back and glared at the king. Receiving a kick in the back from one of the guards behind him.

"Karl! It's me! George!" The king flaunted and Karl looked up and scanned the boy, the theory did in fact check out, the boy he knew many years ago had the same ocean blue eyes; like waves slowly drifting through the ocean endlessly, and the dark brown hair which always looked the same everyday. 

"George?" Karl said and cocked his head to the side. Still wondering if that was really him.

"Yeah! God Karl, I've missed you!" George said and smiled at the male below him.

"Yes, yes. Missed you two, or whatever," Karl mumbled and began to drift into thought, soon coming back and snapping his head up to the guards behind him. "Unhand me, please?" Karl said gruffly and shot a glare at the man behind him, who looked at George and waited for the king to nod before releasing Karl from their grips. Karl nodded and picked himself up and dusted the trench coat off. As soon as he completely stood up he open his arms and George leaned in and Karl leaned his head into his chest. Soon he let go of the taller brunette and dusted himself off.

"Okay, now that that's done, do you have a place where I can put my coat?" Karl asked and George nodded and quietly asked Niki to take his coat. Karl slipped off the grey fabric and handed it to the pink haired girl. Underneath that Karl had an outfit that was less than suitable for what he was trying to pull off. It was a white self two piece, embroidered with lace and crystal, it could be noticed as King Eret missing outfit that had gone missing about two week ago. Then Karl had on some white heels which was too many straps, that matched the outfit well.

"Karl why did you try to break in with heels on?" George asked and looked at the boy confused and Karl just shrugged. 

"It matched?" Karl said and shrugged, soon walking out of the throne room and around the left corner in a near hallway. The sound of his heels hitting the marble ground echoing in the hallway as he fled the floor. Soon someone finally had the courage to ask what was going on.

"Your majesty, who is he?" dream asked, venom lacing his tone; Dream a dirty blond who was immensely close to the king, his lead knight who always was at his side.

"That's Karl," George began, "He's an old friend of mine."

"He is very pretty." Niki butted in, she did like the outfit, not taking into account that it had in fact been stolen. Soon Karl returned and it was time to eat, they all sat at the dinner table, it was long, speaking as there were like fifteen people sitting at it. Karl then reached to his side and pulled up a large brown backpack on the table. It perked most people's interests so most o the attention was on Karl. He first pulled out a large purple, black axe. It wasn't like the normal ones, which were bumpy and misshapen, this one was perfect. Not a scratch and all of the axe was shining. Karl spun it around in his hand and smile.

"The axe of peace." He said and heard multiple gasps. The first person to talk was the black haired male next to him, he was in a blue jacket and a large beanie shield most of his head.

"You mean. This is the axe of peace. Technoblade's axe of peace?" He asked and Karl nodded and hummed. Setting the axe and began to pull something else out. It was a large orb, it was an enderpearl except something about it was different it was a lighter green in the middle, and a melange pupil nested in the middle.

"Now this, is from the end."

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