-The one with the whore PT 3-

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Karl mumbled as he stood still frozen. Nick walked into the house, and from Karl's point of view he looked like a wreck. His hair was messed up and stuck in all positions, his tux was wrinkled, his eyes red and puffy, all truthfully he looked like a mess. Karl heard other voices he could pick out. Dream; a dirty blond who worked in sales and George; a man who worked in sales dating Dream. Tommy; a 17 year old who was somehow included to all the dama and Skeppy Bad's current husband.

Nick froze when his saw Karl. Holding a small boy in his arms with a suitcase in the other. Nick looked relieved then Karl walked to Tommy who was behind Nick and passed Jace to him and left to his room silently. Tommy held on to Jace and looked at the child.

"What Nick when did you have a child?!" Dream asked confused why Nick had a child when they were both males.

"I Don't have a child." He said peering down at Jace. George than took Jace out of Tommy arms and craddled the baby as Nick ran up the stairs and opened their bedroom door and the others stood against the door intently.

"Come on, Karl, Come on! Talk to me! Please!" Nick said as he entered the room.

"I can't talk to you, I can't even look at you!" Karl shouted, aggravated by the younger's behavior.

"What?" George asked from the other side of the door, wondering what the two were fighting for.

"Nothing, nothing." Dream dismissed.

"What are they talking about?" Tommy asked Skeppy confused.

"Karl?" Nick asked confused approaching the older.

"Just get away from me!" Karl said stepping back and shouting.

"No, it was a mistake! I made a mistake okay!" Nick bit back.

"A mistake?! What were you trying to put it in? His purse?!" Karl cried, pissed off.

"Whe-where did he put it?!" Tommy asked quickly.

"Nick, you had sex with another man!" Karl shouted.

From the other side of the door Tommy and George gasped.

"Oh my god." George whispered.

"Oh, I knew something had to be wrong, because my fingernails did not grow at all yesterday." Tommy stated.

"Yeah, well, I guess they had a fight, and he got drunk...." Dream said.

"Oh!! You guys knew about this and you didn't tell us?!" George whisper shouted hitting Skeppy and Dream both on the head while holding Jace.

"He has sex, and we get hit in our heads." Dream said to Skeppy who nodded.

"Y'know what, I want you to leave! Get outta here!" Karl shouted pointing to the door.

"No!!" Nick refused.

"Just get out! Now!!"

"No!! No!! I wanna stay. I wanna talk about this." Nick said softly.

"Okay! All right! How was he?" Karl said putting his hand on his hips. Dream and Skeppy winced at the remark.

"Uh-oh." Skeppy whispered.

"What?" Nick asked confused.

"Was he good?" Karl said hands still on his hips.

"Don't answer that." Dream prayed.

"Come on Nick! You said you wanted to talk about it, let's talk about it!! How was he?" Karl spat.

"He was..." Nick started,

"Awful! Horrible!" Skeppy whispered harshly.

"He was not good. Not good." Dream said shaking his head.

"he was nothing compared to you." Skeppy started.

"He, he was different." Nick as exhaling and Skeppy and Dream both groaned at the horrible response.

Okay now Karl was ticked off.

"Good different?" He said sounding very passive aggressive.

"Nobody likes change." Nick said all of a sudden really defensive, that was it. Karl grabbed the newspaper an rolled it up and began to hit with it.

"What? Okay, okay, okay, okay." Nick said in pain and winced.

"Should we do something." Tommy whispered scarred that Karl may kill Nick.

"Yeah, never cheat on Karl." Skeppy said and snickered.

"Listen. Oh hey, hey, the important thing was that he meant, he meant nothing to me!" Sapnap bit back calmly.

"And yet he was worth jeopardising our relationship!!" Karl shouted throwing the newspaper at the door that the others behind and they jumped in surprised and George began to hum slowly to Jace who was sniffling.

"Y'know what, I think we can go out there. I mean they have more important things to worry about." Dream said and began to move.

"Yeah, we'll be fine." Skeppy said nonahalantly and began to shuffled up.

" Look Karl, I wanted to tell you, I thought I should, I-I did, and then Dream and Skeppy convinced me not to." Nick pleaded.

"Wax the door shut, we're never letting them leave, ever." Skeppy said quickly and nervously.

"Hi, it's Tommy. Listen someone's gonna have to take my 9:00 shift, 'cause it's like 9:15 now, and I'm not there." Tommy said into his phone.

"Don't you realize none of this would've ever happened if I didn't think at that same moment you were having sex with Niki?" Nick shouted and Dream gasped behind the door.

"All right. Let's say I had slept with Niki. Would you have been able to forgive me?" Karl asked and smirked and Dream uncomfortable shuffled.

"Yes I would." Nick said calmly.

"You'd be okay if you knew that Niki had kissed me, and been naked with me, and made love to me?" Karl asked becoming more sexual by the second.

"Yes." He said, less sure now.

"You knew that our hot, sweaty, writhing bodies were...." Karl began and paced through the room.

"La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la! Okay, okay, yeah, I would have been devastated but, I would still want to be with you. Because it's, I mean it's you." Nick shouted and blocked his ears.

"Ohhhhh!" They all winced at the response and continue to listen in.

"They're gonna get through this, aren't they?" Tommy asked concerned that the men who were like his parents were falling apart.

"Yeah, come on, it's Nick and Karl, they've got too."

"What if they don't?" George asked concerned every one stayed silent wanting to  change the topic which Tommy gladly did.

"You think I need a new walk?" Tommy asked out of the blue.

"What?" Dream asked confused.

"Well y'know, I've been walking the same way all through high school. Y'know, y'know how some guys they walk into a room and everybody takes notice. I think I need a 'take notice' walk." Tommy said like it made sense.

"Are you actually saying these words?" Dream said face palming. The shouting became louder and they began to hear the words.

"And What Karl we have a child?!" Nick shouted out of rage.

"NO! I have a child, you can have your ring back!" Karl shouted and threw the ring. Walking ouot of the room and grabbing Jace and nodding to George slamming the door.

"Well, that was the worst thing." Tommy said and Nick nodded sadly.

"Like ever." Tommy repeated and Nick nodded again.

"Ever." He said again.

"Well Nick you really fucked up."   

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