-The one with the stories-

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Every time Karl was ever put into a situation that he didn't understand or like he just ran. When George and him first got in a fight when he lived in the UK Karl just jumped on a plane and got the fuck out of there. If he was put in any situation he somehow found the money and dignity to get the fuck out of there. Karl suffered from a mental illness and he knew; he suffered from hypochondriasis; a disease where Karl believed that if he had small symptoms that he had caught something. He lived in distress and only trusted certain people with his life, like George who once they fought he cut out of his life

He also saw things; not just hallucinations which he also saw he saw coloured people. He had always seen darkness or shadow or black as he called him as a figure of a person. That person had dark hair and red eyes, they just purely described scary in a way Karl didn't know was possible. He always talked to the person but hey never really could tell each other information. Karl remembered as they had tried.

"Well my name is K-" he began then fainted on the ground hitting his head on the floor. The darkness boy gasped and rushed to the boy holding him in his lap. Of course there were other coloured people. When he saw blue he saw a brunette who's skin was slightly tinted blue he felt comforted by the blue blob as he saw George's skeleton in him. For green he saw a dirty blond who had piercing green eyes, he was always seen to be hanging out with blue boy he kind of shipped them not going to lie.

Another colour was red which he saw a small teen who was dressed in all red, with blond hair he had an identical twin who represented white. For pink he saw a large man with pink hair who always wore a crown from no reason. For dark blue he saw a man who wore a dark blue beanie and was always muttering phrases in Spanish. Another was yellow and brown which was technically the same person, one was called bur and another called will. They both were again twins and polar opposites, Will was always smoking in his dark, brown trench coat while bur was just sitting, babbling incoherently to a small sheep plush he carried.

Darkness and Karl had figured out that they could talk indirectly to their friends, blue blur and green blur. 

"Black boy over there's name is Nick." Green said smiling slyly. Blue nudged him and they all turned their attention to Dark blue who was talking to Nick.

"Purple chick there is called Karl." Dark blue said pointing to Karl who was laughing at red as he shouted curses at him. Karl finally had enough of red and walked away to speak with yellow.

"Hey Bur how you doing?" Karl asked sitting down next to the brunette.

"Good thank you!" Bur said smiling, Karl had no idea how these people could be twins. Bur was just a sweetheart whether Wil just wanted to kill everything in sight. Karl thought it would be a wonderful idea to merge the two but was shutdown not knowing how the fuck you merge colours- no people together. Karl checked up on white everyday, red somehow always talked for him and he never really shared his opinions openly without red just babbling on about a different topic. White loved red with all his heart but he really just wanted to get a word in sometimes. 

Pink had somehow favoured Karl and White over most, white was just calm and they always chatted about books because when White was not near red or being dragged along beside him he managed to get a few ancient history books from god knows where. Karl was more one for writing stories and he loved to rant to pink about knew characters he had thought of or knew places he wanted to find. Pink had always loved Karl and he himself came up with a character for one of Karl's books. Theseus, pink called him, Karl nodded and wrote down all the traits that this character could include. 

Karl was recently put into a mental hospital. His parents were concerned when he began to talk to nothing or when his gazed flicked rapidsly and his pupil shook. The doctors there had thought that Karl could have had DID; or dissociative identity disorder. An disorder where in someone's body it houses more than one person or  more distinct personality states. But somehow Karl always managed to be fronting and never mentioned anything to anyone. They recently put him on house arrest due to him banging on the walls in a trance. They had just given Karl a notebook to home his stories. He still continued to write, write about Nick, and red and white who together came up with the name Tommy, Pink who had found Technoblade as an interesting  name.

"Why Technoblade?" Karl asked still jotting down character notes.

"Something felt like a calling." Pink replied and Karl nodded. 

He began writing more and more stories, they began to meet more and more colours. Karl had found black finally, black was a hybrid of some sort. Karl could tells from his dark pigmented skin and the longe tail that directed from his back. He also met another shade of yellow, it was neon and looked somewhat radioactive, the colour matched his eyes, but he seemed to  cover them with his brown long locks for some reason. 

Karl died when he was 30, he had a heart attack in the institution he could remember seeing everyone rush over to him and shout incoherent sentences. George; a popular Minecraft streamer had flown down to attend the funeral. He visited Karl's room in the institution and saw novels upon novels stacked in top of each other. He read them all on stream and watched as the fans swarmed over the books. Karl had treasured these novels and George voweled to let them be published. He waited years and years until someone gladly published the book. His name was Nick and he somehow had felt a feeling towards these novels. 

In total Karl wrote multiple books and series  but they all, fit under the chronological timeline of the overall universe which Karl had named The Dream SMP. His most famous books were The tales of the SMP, and the war books he wrote, also the red banquet was a favourite, he also dedicated a book talking about how he would have merged Wil and Bur in the timeline, many also loved the book he wrote consisting of Tommy in his exile arc. Many people over  the world loved Karl's books and he soon became a well known author. 

George had recently found two books hidden in the walls of his room, first it was a novel that he was writing and a diary entry of Karl's life. It explained his relationship with Nick and how he saw colours as people. He read of how Karl would describe this disorder as a headspace and how he enjoyed it there. Karl explained the sudden thrashing and anger that he had shown in the institution, Karl explained that he had left his books at home and he couldn't  find them or that he couldn't come up with anything good; or has he described it a writers block. George handed the book over to some doctors who had desperately tried to find what illness or disorder Karl had but they had never heard of someone seeing colours as people. After years and years no  one had ever had this disease, many faked but it was clear that it was rare and only one in the whole universe could ever have it. 

Georeg finally looked at the book that Karl was writing, he read through and was confused there was a character much like his other streamer friend named Dream and most people in the novel George knew in real life but Karl had never met these people but described them immaculately. Dream and George together started a Minecraft server called the Dream SMP where it was a tribute to Karl's novels and the  fans swooned over it. 

Karl was in the middle of writing a book that he called A Place called prison where once Dream was out in prison his arc with Tommy, this book was however unfinished, Karl was writing the part of Tommy's death, but was left unfinished from his impromptu death. It was left off right as Karl was going to explain where Tommy was at once he died  but it just finished abruptly  saying that Tommy saw a flash of white and glimpse of blue.  Many had tried to write a sequel to all of these books but never own had been in a matching style. 

It was like it was written by multiple people.

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