-The one with the trauma-

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Karl suffered immense Trauma. It began when he was just four years old, Karl's parents had been downstairs for a while watching a movie but Karl just couldn't seem to sleep. He went down stairs and saw something so sick and sadistic he screamed loudly. Karls parents were both lying on the couch, knife in his mothers chest and her eyes were rolled back. His father was shirtless and had slashes all through his body and a knife again through his head like you see in the movies but it was much scarier in real life.

Karl had tears rolling down his pale cheeks locking eyes with the murderer of his parents. He had a dark hoodie on and a red robe, Karl could only see one distinct feature about the figure, a singular pink hair that protruded through the dark cloak. Karl was trembling as the killer began to speak.

"Sorry Kid; and as my brother would say, it was never meant to be." The killer said and jumped out of his window. Karl screamed loudly and cried near his parents dead corpses. He called the police and was a crying mess, a nice lady answered and he told her as much as he could.

"Hello this is the police what is your emergency?" The lady answered and she could hear Karl hyperventilating in the background.

"Parents...Gone...Pink." he muttered shaking rapidly.

"Okay, kid you need to tell me your location.' She said sternly calling some voices in the background.

"*******************" He spoke and the lady called to incoherent voices in the background.

"We'll be there soon stay on the phone with me okay?" She said, her tone much softer before. "Tell me about your day sweetie." She said and All breathed in and out.

"I went to pre school a-a-and I-i-i played with Qu-Qu-Quackity." He stuttered out while shaking rapidly, the lady then instructed him to go to the door and open it so he did. Seeing bright blue and red lights that blinded his vision. He heard the familiar voice of the lady and ran into her arms, a shaking crying mess. The lady cradled him as people went into he family home. 

"Oi Puffy, Something weird happened here!" A deep voice said in the background.

"What is it Eret?" The lady asked, still trying to deal with the child clinging onto her. 

"Something that a child should not be seeing." Another voice answered for him.

"Shit! Foolish! Take him." The lady said handing the smaller child to a golden skinned male.

"Hey little guy." The new person said, he was fucking tall and for some reason his skin was really shiny and it somehow distracted Karl from the shouting voices. After the police investigated the house the nice lady; Puffy offered to adopt Karl as she already had two children. Karl immediately became close to the male the same age as him; Dream and gushed over his smaller sister Drista.

Karl had seen a therapist for almost twelve years after the incident. She was lovely and her name was Niki after ten years they finally let him go to a public school which he immediately hated. So they took him out until he was 16. So it was finally his first-second day of School. Karl was dressed in pale colours that soothed his anxiety as red and pink triggered him somehow. His hair was puffy and had clips littered through it and he had his laptop which he used for online school. 

He walked into the classroom and immediately he closed his eyes, Karl's classroom had been specially warned that if they wore red or pink they would be punished. Luckily no one did and Karl sat at his desk as the teacher asked for a introduction.

"Karl could you please introduce yourself?" She asked sweetly, Karl learned that her name was Hannah and she was kind and knowing of his trauma.

"Hello, I'm Karl and I am Dream's brother." he said standing and bowing slightly then sitting back down. You couldn't see the resemblance between both brothers so they just passed it off as he was lying to get protection. Dream was single handedly the scariest person in this school, he had dirty blond hair and piercing green eyes that starred into your soul and judged you. Karl was the exact opposite of that he had soft hazel eyes and brown hair that swung right in front of his face. He, in summary looked absolutely harmless. Homeroom finally finished and Karl rushed straight to see Dream who calmed his anxiety. 

He saw the dirty blond hair from a mile away. He shuffled quickly to Dream and hugged his back. Dream's head whipped around and he looked like he would kill this person but as soon as he saw the brown mop of hair his eyes immediately softened. He turned and grabbed Karl and turned him around continuing with the conversation he was having with the small brunette who was in front of him. Dream laid his chin on Karl's head as Karl snuggled his head into Dream's chest. Dream was in a pastel hoodie which Karl chose and he had black jeans. Karl just laid on Dream as he continued his conversation. He listened until he heard the loud school bell ring and he covered his ears cringing at the sound. 

Technoblade ever since that incident had been wrecked. After he snapped out of his trance he knew immediately what had happened, there was blood on his hands and a blade near his pants . He ran home and banged on the door. The older blond opened up the door and he was met by Techno sobbing into his arms.

"Phil. Phil! The voices! I did it and he was a small child!" Techno screamed, sobbing loudly into Phils chest. Phil rubbed circles around Techno's back soothing him. He waited for Techno's breathing to even and soon sat him down on their couch.

"Son. What's up?" Phil asked calmly waiting for Techno to lash out. Techno just sobbed quietly and Phil was surprised.

"I killed them Phil! All of them!" Techno shouted and Phil remains his calm composure. 

"Who mate?" He asked smoothly.

"A family..." Techno said, clear tears running down his face. "They had a son, about three or four and I murdered them right in front of him! I even quoted Wilbur for god sakes!" Techno shouted, he was a crying mess to say the least. 

"Oh Tech, it's okay, it was the voices." Phil said calmly.

"No! But because I couldn't, c-c-control this small child has no p-p-parents! He's an orphan! A-A-A-An Orphan Phil!" Techno cried, he backed against the wall and sobbed. Phil finally came to comfort his son. 

"Mate it is okay." He said softly. Techno had watched Karl making sure that this child got the help he needed, he made sure that Karl was never in danger and if so he would send someone to help. Karl always heard this small comforting feeling when ever he had a panic attack and blacked out; that was always Techno. When he saw that Karl was beginning high School he immediately went to his brother; Nick who was the same age.  

"Nick, I need you to watch over a kid for me." Techno said eating some toast, adjacent to his younger brother Nick.

"No." he said plainly and began to pour himself some juice.

"Nick that wasn't a question it was an order." Techno said sternly.

"Why?" Nick asked confused.

"I killed his parents!" Techno said holding his head in agony.

"Wait What?"

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