-the one with what Karl listens to-

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Karl you would think would listen to really wholesome and cute music but boy he was such a tease. Karl just enjoyed seeing that quarter of a second look of Sapnap's face before Karl and done what ever he had planned. The first time he did it was at a sleep over with George and Bad and they were playing thrush or dare and George had already pissed in a fountain so it was getting intense.

"I can't believe you get arrested for public urination." Bad said shrugging; compared to the Bad now high school Bad was just the exact opposite. You have been warned.

"Eh you win some you lose som." George said as they walked back into the house. They sat down again and the room stunk of Drugs, alcohol and fucking sugar. 

"Oh! Oh! Oh! I have one!" Bad said jumping around.

"Go go go." George chanted.

"Okay, Karl truth or dare."

"I'm not a pussy, dare1" Karl squealed and Bad rubbed his hands deviously.

"I dare you to send a video to Nick of you moaning." He said and George clapped and oohed as Karl open up his phone. He began to record and moaned loudly into the phone as George and Bad snickered. Karl just sat there for a solid minute owning into a phone mixing in some swears of some sort and sent it off to him and set his phone on silent. The red LEDs made the room much harder to see than it usually was. Loud music was playing until he heard a specific song on that all the boys knew. 

They all began singing their hearts out to need to know by dojo cat and least to say they got nose complaints the following days. He saw Nick the following day and he had no recollection of what happened that night it was just a blur. 

"Karl." Nick said as he pulled Karl into a random bathroom. "What was up with the video last night?"

Karl hummed confused he had no idea what he Bad and George had gotten up to but in the situation that he was in at the moment. Karl shook his head when he saw th look in Nick's eyes and he got the fuck out of that bathroom as soon as possible trying to keep his ability to do PE.

It was now such as they were all talking about how they met each other.

"Oh Dream and I met under a tree where we had our first day." George gushed and Bad awed.

"Skeppy and I were best friend." Bad said and it was Georges turn to giggle and the tops were all just listening In here and there. Karl had one AirPod in listening to shit and picking at his nails.

"so Karl how did you meet?" George asked and Karl sighed.

"I heard from a friend of a friend that, that dick was a 10 out of ten."  Karl said and Bad gagged while George coughed loudly. Karl just put his other AirPod in peacefully and let Nick deal with the problems. Dream was wheezing and Skeppy didn't believe that Quackity and Sapnap had had sex He was humming to the familiar tune and his memories just began to flash back.

"Shit." He said and ran his hands through his hair. He banged his forehead hard on the table and groaned as George attempted to stop him.

"oi! Babe you can hurt your self." Nick said and he pulled Karl into his lap. Karl just huffed and decided to push the limits. He moaned into Nick ear softly and his face erupted. 

"Spank me, slap me, choke me, bite me." Karl sung softly and Nick shuffled uncomforatbly and the others finally noticed. Karl was just chilling listening to music.

"Dude you okay?" Dream asked and Sapnap shook his head and looked down at Karl.

"he is evil." He said and shook his head fondly.

"What'd he say?" George asked and Karl giggled and pulled Bad and George close to him and whispered the same thing and they all giggled. Then the next few periods flashed by until it was the end of the day and they were all in one car except Skeppy who was meeting up with some of his other friends Techno and a brunette guy that Karl can never remember. Nick was driving, Karl was shotgun and Bad was shoved in the middle to Stop Dream and George from fucking in the car.

Karl was tapping away at his phone when he checked that apple play was on then handed his phone to George who randomly picked out the song, they all listened quietly until Need to know came on again and Goere and Bad were singing until Karl's favourite part came on and they all shouted at the top of their lungs.

"Tryna see if you could handle this ass." They shouted and Nick jolted with surprise at the sudden noise change.

"Prolly give his ass a panic attack!" They are just shouting incoherently now and Nick and Dream we just laughing.

"Sorry if I gave a random erection." Karl said and winked at Nick who yelped defensively.

"Prolly thinkin' I'm a telekinetic." Karl sung as he looked at the rear view mirror and saw Dream laughing his ass off at George's amazing singing.

"Oh, wait, you a fan of the magic?" Karl said as he turned his torso looking at George.

"Poof, pussy like an Alakazam" They all shouted and Nick just unplugged the phone done with life. It was just terrible and it summed it up. The following days at school Karl was quiet as his voice was damaged and he was always croaking out random shit that no one should under stand. Karl just babbled to himself smiling and looking at Nick. He couldn't really tease now with  no voice but he did his best; randomly rolling his hips when sitting on Nick's lap or Just licking his lips and sucking a lolly pop. 

"Oh my god Karl what happened to your voice?" George asked as Karl croaked and he huffed and turned to nick and pointed. Nick laughed and Karl hit him in the back of the head hitting him up quickly. Karl just was pissed as every one laughed he individually slapped everyone on the back of the head and sat down. Dream wheezed loudly and Karl sent a glare that could kill and said.

"You best shut the fuck up." 

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