-The one with the deal-

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Karl was not one for swimming or water in general; why? Because he was a siren, well was a siren. As a young boy he was always in the water until one day he found a rail replacing his legs after that he realised that he could allure people with his voice and even speak under water. Side  gills began to grow out of his head and his parents abandoned him as soon as they should. Karl cried in the water and soon found an abandoned grotto inn the ocean. He saw another demon like figure sitting in the dark rock. 

He swam up and circled around the creature confused. He had never seen one like this, it had dark horns protruding for its black hair. he had piercing red eyes and his pupils were small diamond, the creature looked up at Karl and asked a question.

"Karl Jacobs I have a deal for you." The voice boomed and Karl nodded because I mean what did he have to lose?

"I will give you your legs back but you will need to give me your necklace." The voice said and Karl clutched the necklace round his neck. It was from his mother, a small trident attached to a silver chain, Karl nodded and the demon held his hands out and Karl took the necklace of and placed it in his hands. The demons palms closed around the jewellery and Karl swam back.

"Your legs will only show once you climb out of the water, if you ever come back in your tail will show." Karl nodded and soon the demon nodded too indicating that the spell was done. Karl swam in a circle and quickly swam to the coast, he resurfaced on the sand and his smooth pale legs were there once again. Karl stood up and waddled slightly and jumped around in a circle. It didn't occur to Karl at that time that he had no place to go but he did realise that he wasn't wearing much. It appeared that the demon had given him clothes, he had an oversized purple shirt and some small bike short and hie feet were just wet in the sand. 

Karl just smiled and looked at the horizon; there were other people at the beach and he saw three in particular. There were two people surfing one dirty blond and done dark haired male. There was also a small brunette who was lying on the sand near Karl; Karl noticed that all his belongings from before he was a siren were still there. He rummaged through his pocket and found his phone, he pulled it out and called some one who he thought could shelter him.

"Hey Phil." Karl said sighing, he heard the line gasp.

"Hey Karl! No one had seen you in like ten years." Phil said in disbelief, Karl sighed and came up with the quickest excuse ever.

"Well, I was kidnapped and abandoned and I need a place to stay?" Karl said softly and shuffled his legs.

"Well, we have a spare room just watch out for Tommy." Phil said and he heard a distant shout from Tommy and Techno and Wilbur laughing.

"Yeah but I love the child." Karl said smiling softly and he heard Tommy shout in embarrassment and Techno and Wilbur laugh again.

"Yep I believe we all do, So you can drop by today whenever." Phil said and they shared a small good bye. Karl smiled and sat down on the sand near the brunette.

"Hey were you just on the phone to the  'craft family?" The brunette asked a thick English accent coating his words, Karl nodded.

"Yeah, you know them?" Karl asked as they both looked at the sea.

"Yeah, everyone does." The brunette said shrugging. "George." He said smiling.


"You're the Karl that was lost ten years ago?!" George said in disbelief, Karl nodded sheepishly and they both turned their attention back to the surfers in the ocean who had just been dunked by a wave. 

"Hey Sorry George um... I have to go to the 'craft families but I'm sure we'll meet again." Karl said getting up and dusting the sand off of himself. George smiled and said a quick goodbye and Karl walked down to the street where he always used to stay. He knocked three time, Tommy and him had a system if he knocked a certain rhythm Tommy always knew that it was him. He heard fast footsteps to the door and it swung open to see the familiar blond.

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