Day 6 Clothes Getting off

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( Lol I'ma post a bit of art for the next chapter 😁 you don't have to like it , just know it's gonna be there )

Tom pov
I walk in the house and slam the door behind me , and a deep sigh leaves my mouth . I hear footsteps soon after and see Tord emerge from upstairs " Hey Tom how wa-" I hear Tord say before he sits next to me .

" Tom what's wrong ? " He asks me as he laces his arms around me , I feel tears brimming at my eyes .

Do you ever feel sad or angry and your fine until someone asks you about it ? Yeah , that's how I feel .

I feel tears slid down my cheeks , but not tears of sadness . Tears of rage " To- " He's manages to get out before I burst " ITS NOT FAIR " i scream as I punch Tord weakly in his chest .  " ITS NOT FAIR ! ITS NOT FAIR ! IT'S NOT FAIR ! " I continue screaming as Tord lays my head onto his sweater . After a while I'm just laying on the couch with Tord , him running his hand through my hair and me weakly sobbing .

" You wanna tell me what happened baby ? " Tord asks me , I begin explaining how my boss is being a bitch and she thinks everything that happens to the restaurant is my fault cause I'm just not good enough . How she says she keeps me in the back washing dishes because if anyone were to see me and my disgusting black eyes , they would call the police . How I couldn't tell her off because she could fire me .

I could see the worry and pure hatred in Tords eyes . " I'm sorry you have to go through that Tommy " I feel his hug on me tighten . " C'mon Let's go shower and then we can watch a movie " he explains as he picks me up and carries me upstairs . He sits me on the toilet and starts the shower . Then he leaves , presumably to get towels .

When he returns we peel off our clothes and hop in .

Time skip

Tord pov
After the shower we hop on out . Tom takes his towel and leaves while I dry off in the bathroom . I walk into the room and see Tom sliding a hoodie on . I walk over tho my closet and don't see my hoodie ... I just then realize he has my hoodie on .

I put on a black tank top and grab my laptop from the nightstand . I lay next to him and turn on my laptop . I go on Disney + , as I scroll throught to find something Tom says " OHH let's watch mean girls !!! " I chuckle to myself from how child like he sounds . I find mean girls and put it on . I lay back and pull Tom closer to me , leaning on his shoulder .

I feel him kiss my head " I love you Tord " he says . I reply back " I love you too " and we watch our movie . Though I fall asleep after getting lost in those big beautiful voids of his ...

Sorry for not making this a smut , after I made Tom angry I couldn't find a way for him to be in the mood . I promise the next will be smut  . Until then stay safe peeps
( ╹▽╹ )❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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