With a Crack 🌧️

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( I've just been in a bit of a foul mood lately , my family has been in some life threatening situations . So this is angst , enjoy )
Tords pov
I sat down with Tom on the couch . We just bought a new house ! I leaned in closer towards him and he layed his head on mine . " You smell like strawberries " he commented . " Thanks blueberry " I say back not looking away from the tv . After a minute or two he gets up " I'm hungry , I'm gonna go shopping alright ? " He says as he slips shoes on .

" Oh alright ! You know where the keys are ? " I asked as I had misplaced them a while ago . "  One there on you bed and two who said anything about driving ? I'll just walk I need a little air anyways . " He said with a shrug . " Ok be safe baby ! " I said and then walked away . We were close to the store so I had no worries . I walked over to a couple boxes and cracked my knuckles . " Time to put these away " I say as I pick up my boxes . In the old house I had a lab to hide my stuff in , but now I have to make another so I'll just put this in my closet for now .

Short time skip

Toms pov
On my way back home I struggle a little with my bags . I came for a few items but kinda got lost in my own fantasy and bought a ton . I hear a voice from behind me " hey there missy want some help ? " I hear a deep voice ask . The depth made me shudder " I turn and see a much larger male . " Nope I'm good " I say and get ready to keep walking " no let me help " I hear him say as he gets to pull me back . I stead of just walking away I challenge him " you think your so tough huh ? I say with a smirk . " I back up a bit " fight me then " I say as I put my fists up . He simply says " Not alright shorty " I throw a punch at him . " Ouch ! " He says . " You rember this shorty , sometimes you could've just walked away . "

He goes back into a alleyway . I ignore his warning and continue home , though mid way through I kind of realize that that wasn't the best approach. But at the same time I realized, or I think that if I act bigger they'll just seem smaller. I open the door to the house and Tord greets me with a smile . " Hey Tom back with the groceries I see ". He says as he takes them all from me with ease . That's the one thing I envied about him , the fact that he towers over me .

I try to seem big but deep inside I know I'm small . Just like a pufferfish , I blow up big as a defense mechanism . It's just a disguise . I forget about the thought and help Tord unpack .

Two week time skip
( Sorry for the long jump )

Toms pov
I was putting shoes back on as I was about to go back to the store . This time Tord was sleeping and I wanted to make him a nice breakfast . He stayed up all night at the macanic shop last night trying to get as much done as possible . I blushed at the thought , he's so nice and helpful .

I left out the house and started walking . I enter the store not to soon after and then look at the door only to realize it was closed today . I sigh and start my walk back home .

Suddenly I get pulled off to the side . I get a rope tied around my hand and feet , and I get sat in a chair . " Help !!! HELP ME ! " I start frantically screaming not knowing what was happening . Suddenly I see a man walk into the light " so shorty we meet again " . I hear a farmiler voice say . I realize this was the guy that challenged me before .

" Ohh it's you again " I say with a smirk on my face now . " You came back for round 2 ? I thought you had enough ? What are you gonna do , hit me ? " I chuckle to myself . Untill a hear a *chk chk * and my face gets wiped to confusion until I hear two bullets get shot . I brace for impact but nothing happens . I'm now frozen in fear . I feel the chair in sitting it get kicked over . I fall to the ground . I groan from the pain .

My shirt gets taken off and I start to try screaming again . I feel a knife poke my back and then get slowly dragged across . I scream from the pain and agony . I huff and start to furiously scream all profanities that I can think of .

Midway through another cry for help , I feel my mouth get tugged open . Then pressed against a concrete step . I stop , frozen from the fear of what was going to happen next . " Just a heads up shorty , don't challenge someone unless you gonna follow through " he pressed his foot on my head .

I muffled through tears " imf forry ... Imf fo forry " I mumble out as he pressed harder on my head .


Ok sorry if you didn't like it , I just wanted a quick vent . As always have a lovely day

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