Swan Dive

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Izuku Midoriya, a 'quirkless' boy has an unhealthy obsession with rooftops.
When his childhood friend told him to jump off the school roof, he complied- only to find that he was unable to die.
Izuku went to the doctors and found that it was not a quirk, but instead a curse passed on from the generations of his family. Izuku would reach the age of 30 and stop ageing- in fact he will only die if he gives up his life at 2000 years of age, but it would result of being reborn, with memories of the past, but only a 50/50 chance of having the curse again.
But when Izuku was walking along the rooftops of some of the highest buildings in japan, he was seen by erasurehead.

Izuku POV:
I was walking along the side of the road in the pouring rain, it had been about two hours since school finished, but Mum was out of town for the week so she wouldn't worry. As I was walking I looked up to the high buildings above me, wondering how high up they really were.
I slowly decided to climb to the top of one of the tall ones—Even if anyone saw me up there no one would question it.

The rain was still heavily falling, so being up high wasn't going to help, and I will probably get sick, but oh well. I walked over to the edge peering down, I remembered the words my bully had spoken to me earlier- "Take a swan dive off the roof of the building, and hope for a quirk in your next life" This, of course wasn't the school roof like he had told me to jump off of-but it was higher. As I sat down on the edge pulling my faded yellow bag off, I realised that this was actually the building most known for suicide in Japan- there may be a whole forest for suicide over on Mount Fuji, but I just didn't see the point in going all the way there to kill myself-maybe if it was closer?
I sighed looking down as the small people swarmed by, hurriedly trying to get out of the rain. The hundreds of coloured umbrellas were really quite breathtaking, as if you looked close enough you could sort of see small pictures with the way they moved-besides a raining city at almost- wait,what time is it? I question myself, reaching over to my bag before pulling out my old phone. I checked the time before stuffing it back in the bag-I had been up here for almost three hours.
I took another quick glance down and the people who were growing less and less now. I smiled to myself, which slowly turned into a maniac like-grin as I slid my shoes off placing them next to my bag and stood up, taking a few more moments to admire my surroundings, before slowly throwing myself off the rooftop.

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