A night time visit

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Plot Idea::
Erasurehead visits Izuku's cafè for the first time when Izuku is about to close up and go on his night patrols, he talks about how his husband (present mic) and bestfriend (midnight) insisted that it was a really good place and that he'd like it.
In the end Izuku invites erasurehead to join him on his patrol since he knows aizawa is a real hero. Two crimes happen at once, and so aizawa goes to one crime scene, stopping a raping, while Izuku goes and saves a boy about his age, from being sold off.
-Shinou is the boy getting sold
-Denki is the boy getting raped

-October 2147-
Sorrows pits, 10:53pm

The night was silent, a soft hum could be heard as the hobo-like hero opened the door to sorrows pits, allowing all the warm cafè air to dance out the door. A paper rustled quietly on the door as the hero walked in, shutting the door as the warm air, and smell of baked goods hit him like a truck.
"Huh, guess Hizashi and Nemuri were right.. it does feel a bit cozy.." Aizawa mumbled to himself, sitting on one of the light grey cushioned seats, petting a small fluffy tabby kitten that lounged past.


Okay so basically, I was looking through the chapters I posted, and I realised I had this one draft-
So I decided to post it, to show you all what I was thinking before I discontinued it-

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