Why Didn't I Die?!

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(My best friend drew that doodle of me on a drawing game for me 😌) Their user name is SleepyDannii , an amazing artist.
I did research on if the body would bounce or splatter and other things like that-
(Pretend this is what Izuku sees as he's falling) Onto the story!

I did research on if the body would bounce or splatter and other things like that-(Pretend this is what Izuku sees as he's falling) Onto the story!

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Izuku POV:
The bright lights all went by in a blur as I quickly fell downwards, as if I had already died. Moments of my life quickly flashed by. The building itself may have been almost 30 floors high, but that didn't stop the fact that I was barely falling for 10 seconds before I felt my body hit the ground.
(Wrong, it would take exactly 17.65 seconds)
I could hear the loud sound of my body splattering on the ground, painting the clear glass red. Pain erupted from my body, I could feel every broken bone, every popped vessel, and the blood as it flowed out of my now open body. As I lay there listing to the heavy footsteps of people around either running away from my body or to my aid- Although mainly away. I listened as voices told me to stay awake, and several children crying out as I slowly shut my eyes and just waited until the noises quieted down, signifying my death.
Then light.
I found myself slowly opening my eyes, body still in horrible pain, yet this time deserted. Huh, thought I would've at least been moved, I thought to myself as I slowly crawled to sit up.
To anyone walking the streets I must have looked insane, a young boy, looking only the age of 14 walking around the streets dripping with blood-Not a sight much want to behold.
As I continued walking a thought crossed my mind.
Why wasn't I dead? The building was 28 story's high, a building with eight story's is fatal death-I should be well dead.

Rooftop boy  (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now