Important Information Notice

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Hey my loves, this isn't actually an important notice if your thinking about the Fanfiction, but it isn't important about my other story that is being constructed right now.
After consideration I have realised that my new story Goddess Need Life will probably take quite a while to even get the full plot and characters done before I even start writing it, but the main characters and half tue plot is now ready.
The main point of this notice is to inform you that I will be posting information on my social media platforms other then Wattpad.
I could have just keep posting on wattpad but that would make it hard to know when or when not my book actually comes out and it would be hard to read through all the notices.

The platforms I will be posting on will be tiktok. For the moment I will not post on Instagram, but if my other platforms get attention I will eventually start posting on there as well.

Tiktok: petty.cryx

(This part was changed it used to be more platforms I took down)

That is all, thank you all so so much for reading my book, and even now several months after I discontinued it I'm still getting so many notifications and I am so grateful for that 💕
I love you all so much, enjoy the rest of your day my lovelies.

Plot of the story after this notice, keep scrolling 👇

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