Same place 2 blood types

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Okay, I wasn't going to make this chapter, but I noticed that a lot of people had added rooftop boy to their reading lists of some sort, so I decided to keep going :)
Third Person:
It had been almost half an hour, of Katsuki simply standing there, fists clamped, head down and shaking violently as his realisation hit him like a train.
Bakugo finally started moving-on autopilot. He didn't know why he was following the blood trail, after all, it was the trail leading to his victims 'death site'
The streets were eerily quiet, a feeing that a slight sound would change the every little thing that was about to happen.
Katsukis breath hitched as he could see red coming into view, it was everywhere.
The large glass building was stained head to toe. The glass reached up to about two metres before becoming stone, and yet his blood had covered the entire surface, stone and all.
And yet that wasn't it.
The blood puddle on the ground was sickening, covering the dirty black and grey ground a beautiful sangria red- the blood has dried a bit seeing as it was a few hours old, but that didn't stop the crimson edges and middle sealing through. The smell of blood polluted the street, that must have been why no one was around- normally he would at least pass about ten people.

The sight was horrible, gruesome and unfriendly. Bakugo stared wide-eyes at Izuku's little 'mess' tears threatening to spill once more. Katsuki could feel his stomach turning, it was like he was ready to vomit, (which under this circumstance is reasonable)  but it didn't feel like vomit, now did it feel like his insides were turning, straining to get out of his body.
In fact, the feeling was hard to explain, while his inside screamed, thrashed and hurt, his mind went blank, his stare went blank, and his body coated with sweat.
Izuku's blood?
Izuku~ why did you do it?
It's so bloody...
It hurts, Izuku..
Izuku, Izuku! Izuku!!!
Yes, that's right the famous Katsuki Bakugo now has trauma.
Of blood. Of dead bodies.
And suicidal thoughts.
Sorry to make it short, I was gonna make it more katsukis POV and make him think of the stuff, but the plan changed therefore the title won't make sense until next chapter this comes back up :)

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