Dark sorrow

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Not as much emotion was put into this story, seeing as I was considering to not continue, however heaps seemed to like it so I decided to continue

The night was silent, a steady breeze blowing small leaves in the night wind. It had been a few years since Izuku and Katsuki's encounter, and Izuku had changed drastically for the record.
It started off as wondering the streets at night, looking for anyone in need- and that's when his skills started picking up.
What once was a normal boy, turned into a vigilante, but whichever title was placed on him, he was a hero in societies eyes. The boys hearing got better-almost as if it were a quirk. His sight was improved the more he trained it, sitting in dark rooms, looking through the abyss of dark, finding any sign of movement, any shadowy outline.
Eventually, the boy 'Izuku Midoriya' was mysteriously erased from all government sources, only the ones who knew he existed could add him back on- but without his folders, they couldn't prove he was a real person.
Izuku had given up on his dream of being a hero years before his little night trips started, but he still wanted to save people-so, he became a the night hero. If he were a real hero the title would be underground hero, however he was a vigilante, saving people 'illegally', which therefore made him a night hero.
He lived in a small house, connected to a cafè.
This cafè was where almost all villains, and hero's were welcome. Any form of violence in the cafè was strictly forbidden, and most learnt that the hard way, wether it be a broken arm, or a death-like glare that made even top-rank villains scared.
Despite being out on the streets, sitting tucked away in a little corner, barely any citizens knew about its existence. At some point a citizen did find out, and it was leaked to a few family's, however it's location was never found.
Villains and hero's alike would have no information in this cafè, instead they got along quite nicely. The room was lit with sunlight, perfect for the setting, a few cats would roam around the cafè for those who wanted them, but to the ones that were allergic, they were able to have a special pill that made them not have a reaction to cats for the entire time they stood foot in the cafè.
On a glass window by the counter was a small piece of paper, a list.
List of people who are banned:
-All might
And so on.

All might had proven that he could not keep his cool around villains, no matter how many times he was reminded that both villains and hero's were allowed in the cafè.
Endeavour was well, endeavour. Which ended up in a almost fully broken cafè, and a very mad Izuku- not to mention, enji was in hospital for about 6 months.
Stain was allowed in the cafè for the first few months, but that was before his bloodthirst became to much, and he started attacking 'fake heros'
The others on that list are just some newbie heros and villains that pushed to far the figure out dark sorrows identity.
'Dark sorrow' is what you must be thinking
(I doubt this whole heartedly)
Well, that was what Izuku was deemed, dark sorrow-the vigilante.
Somehow somebody figured out that the vigilante was taking revenge on the world, but in a kind way. Justice, and revenge and one, a sorrow deeper then hell's darkest pits. Add that up with the fact he's only active in the dark, as most vigilantes are— his name, dark sorrow became know to all.
I know this is short and I'm sorry, but I'll continue the actual bit of what this chapter was supposed to be in the next part of the book.

And I want to thank you all for supporting this book :)

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