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My world falls apart. I have been sitting at his porch all day waiting for him to open the door.

"Sakusa-kun left yesterday." one of the neighbors told me as they have noticed me staying for a while now.

He left without telling me... Where in the world is he going? He told me that he would do everything for me... and I am the most important person in his life.... But why would he just go without informing me?

I am feeling so bad as I buried my face into my knees. I am wishing that he would arrive any minute now... I am wishing that he would hug me like he did before... that he would be beside me...

I have been waiting until I felt the cold breeze of the air and the freezing sensation of the water droplets into my skin.

pitter- patter.

The rain is starting to pour badly but all my strength seems to flow with it. I hide my face and curled up in the porch as tears continue to fall from my red puffy eyes.

I am soaked but it doesn't really matter now.. All I care about is Omi... I want to see and hold him.. I want to hug him. I want to tell him how much I love him.

But he never came...

He abandoned me..

Of course he might have.... he just met me randomly that day... a random guy being beaten up...

In the first place he clarified his sexual orientation. I just assumed that he likes me back because he showed me affection and made me feel special... I don't blame him... I guess he may be is like that towards his friends.

I don't really know him so I... I don't know why I have expected him to love me back...

The way he embraced and looked at me, I felt loved... yet confused at the same time...

I love Omi... It never wavers... It never will...

But I am uncertain right now... I am... unsure...

"You'll get sick if you stay here, Atsumu."

I lifted my face to see Komori holding an umbrella over our heads.

Tears uncontrollably traced down to my cheeks.

"Where.. Where...is Omi? I.. need to... I need to..see him.... I need him...." I stuttered as I stood up and face him.

He opened his mouth and quickly closed it. He averted his eyes and lowered his head.

"Komori... Where is he?" I grabbed his shoulders and shake him

He didn't look at me, instead he said
"Come with me... I'll explain everything."

We arrived at their house that night. He offered me clothes and let me take a bath. His mother is there who prepared some foods for us.

We ate dinner silently even I refused, his mother encouraged me to join them.

His mother went to bed after cleaning the dishes and left us to talk.

"What... is really... going on?!" I asked as we both sat down on the chairs in the living room

"First things first... Tsumu..."

He showed me a picture of a particular someone from his phone.
"Do you know him, Tsumu?"

I know this guy... He is in the news yesterday.. Why would he show me the Deputy Commisioner General? I mean.. I am only concern with Omi.. All I asked about is him... nobody else.

"If this has something to do with my father.. then I am not interested in it.." I said gloomily.

"Tsumu... you know the commisioner, right? It may be related to your father... but it is primarily relevant to Kiyoo as well"

"Yes... I know him... What do you mean relevant to Omi?" I asked as I stared at the picture on his phone.

"Keisuke Kota, the Deputy Commisioner General, is Kiyoo's... father..."

My eyes lifted towards him.

"Hah?! Is this your kind of a joke, Komori?" I asked as I laughed a little.

Omi doesn't even share a surname with the Commissioner, though they got the same eyes and facial features   they couldn't be.... or they really are?

"Stop joking around..." I continued.

His face tells me he isn't kidding.
"Tsumu... He is the only son of Kota-san. His parents got divorced after Kiyoo was born." he looked  straight to my eyes.

"Then... why are you telling me all of this?! I just want to know where Omi has gone to..." I blurted out.

"Kiyoo... never asked anything from his biological father... only this once... He hated accepting any offers from his father because Kota-san planned out things for him which he hated badly..."

"What? When did he..." I asked then it hit me like a bullet.
"Did he asked the commissioner about my father?!"

He nodded.

"And what conditions were given then?" I asked again as I stood from the chair.
"Tell me, Komori! What did Omi have to do?!?"

"He went to U.S. to study Law Degrees."

"He... left to U.S... without telling me anything about his plans?! So that's why he stopped his course here?!?!"

"Yes. He loves architecture... But he have to gave that up... for you..."

I fell into the chair and slump down my body into it.

"Why didn't he tell me about this?!"

"It's part of their agreement... He have to cut ties with anyone involve in the case which includes you and Osamu.."

"Can.. Can you give... me his... contact details?" I asked as I grabbed my phone from my pocket.

"I'm sorry, Tsumu... I can't..."

"Why... Why is that, Komori?!" I squeaked as I felt all my strength fading

"Because he needs to cut ties with me as well. I'm sorry about all this, Tsumu."

"But..." I started whimpering...

"Just trust him, okay?" he said trying to calm me down... "Kiyoo loves you, Tsumu... He isn't good with words but I know he cares about you a lot..."

"I.. I know... But I am afraid that... his feelings for me is temporary... I am afraid that maybe when he comes back... I am no longer the most important person in his life."

I am so afraid...

Omi, I love you ..

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