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"Osamu-san, I know I have been bugging you for the 7th time now... But can you contact Atsumu-san? None of my calls can get through, and the client is already here waiting for almost an hour." Tobio-kun said over the phone.

His voice is rambling sounding tired and stress.

"I'll try my best, Tobio-kun.. I am still in the school meeting so I can't look for him.. I'll try calling him again, okay? Please, hold on a little."

Tobio-kun was about to fetch Atsumu but my brother said he's on his way so his assistant assumed his boss is coming already...

But it has been hours already, yet no Architect Atsumu Miya came in the venue.

Dammit, Tsumu! Where on Earth are you? I am getting worried!

I have been trying to contact Tsumu and ain't got lucky yet.

"Dad.. are you okay?" Yuuki asked as we drive away from school

"Yes, Yuu... I'm okay... Is it okay if I drop you to Papa?" I asked as turned left in the corner near the police station

"Okay, Dad..." he said as he hugged his toy robot.

"I am so sorry about this, Babe..."

"What did Tsumu did this time?" Rintarō asked as he held Yuuki's hand.

"He haven't shown up in his meeting yet... I am actually worried about him..." I said and clicked my tongue.

"Have you tried calling him?"

"Yes. Tobio-kun and I have been trying for hours now... But we can't contact him."

"That's troublesome... I can take Yuuki today, look for Atsumu, Babe..." my husband replied and kissed my forehead

I blushed.
"What was that for?"

He smiled.
"Don't worry so much.. Relax." he said and waved goodbye walking back to the station.

I rode my car, and tried calling Atsumu again.

I have been traveling in the metropolitan, but I haven't even seen his shadow!!! Dammit.

My phone beeps...

"Sa.. Samu... He.. He's back..." He said stuttering badly.

"Are... Are you okay? Are you crying? Where are you!? Are you driving?!" I asked while stopping the car on the side of the road.

"Samu... I went to Yokohama... I received a call from Komori.... He... He said... Omi contacted him... so I rushed there... And I honestly... I forgot about the meeting .... I am feeling bad for Tobio-kun..." he replied quickly

"Relax, Tsumu.... Relax... where are you?!"

"I am on my way to Tokyo now..." he said breathing heavily

"Are you okay?"

"I am..."

"I'll get you .. Stop driving...."

"No... It's okay, Samu... I'm okay... Komori said... Omi is in Japan right now...."

"What's... What's your plan, then?"

"I'll look for him... after I attend the meeting... Tobio-kun cried over the phone earlier when I called.... The client want to cancel the transaction... unless I show up..."

"Tsumu... Are you sure you're okay?"

"I am... Don't worry... I'll hang up.. Samu... Thank you... Thank you so much.. Sorry for bothering and troubling you..."

"I am used to it, dumbass. Drive safely" I replied chuckling.


I stared at the car dashboard and sighed.

He really fell for that random guy from 8 years ago... I can't blame him though... Tsumu's been to hell, and Sakusa has been his everything since the day they met...

I dialed Rin's number and informed him of everything.. Then I called Tobio-kun after 10 minutes.

"Tobio-kun... Is he there yet?"

"No.. Not yet, Samu-san... But he called and said he's on his way... He said something came up that's why he's late..."

"What did the client said then?" I asked as I held the steering wheel tightly.

"Kota-san said.. for as long as the chief architect is coming, he's willing to wait .." Tobio-kun replied tiredly.

"Kota-san? Is that your client?"


"That sounds familiar..."

Where did I heard that name?

Wait.... Kota... is the surname of the Commissioner, right?

"Tobio-kun... Does your client somehow related to Keisuke Kota?" I thought loudly

"Excuse me... Is he on his way?" a voice from the other line echoed.

"Ahh.. Yes Sir... (whispering as he talked to me) Samu-san I have to go... I'll inform you once he came, okay?"

He hanged up.

I rushed through the glass door of the office and almost tripped down as I approached the elevator.

I catch my breathe as I settled inside the elevator, trying to fix my necktie and suit which crumpled with all the sitting and driving earlier.

I fix my blond hair by brushing my fingers on it. I sighed. I looked at my watch and disappointingly flinch.

I'm definitely late... Kota-san would probably cancel the project and I couldn't blame him for it.

Tardiness.. unprofessional... Nobody wants a transaction with someone who can't value time... I have proven this all throughout my career as an architect.

I walked out the elevator as it opened. The conference room is in the end of this hall, so I run as fast as I could, adding sweats into my forehead.

I held the doorknob and breathe out. I dried my sweat using my handkerchief and kept it afterwards.

I entered the room and the four people on the room looked at my direction

"I'm sorry I am very late... Something important and urgent came up!" I said quickly bowing my head and gluing my eyes on my black shoes without looking back at them.

"Kota-san... I'm sorry!" I lifted my head and looked at them.

My eyes widen and my jaw literally dropped.

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