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It wasn't too hard to get to the highest level, but it was a lot of stairs. Now, there were elevators, but there was a key access card needed to reach the last three levels. He assumed that was where the more important people slept. However, that meant he had to walk up the last three flights of stairs to his new room.

Once he had reached the level, he was actually surprised to find it spacious. There were four doors in the entire hallway, all evenly spaced out and the floor was some fancy wood that was being covered by some fancy carpet. The walls thankfully were just decorated in some simple things and at the end of the hall was a large window showing the backyard to the large forest.

Looking around the floor, he couldn't find anything that said which room was taken. That was annoying as he didn't want to just open random doors.

Looking around for a quick second, Ryker carefully pulled down his mask and took a deep breath. Instantly, he winced as his nose was just filled with several overpowering smells. Coughing some, he closed his eyes and took another deep breath, this time focusing on the floor he was in, even closing the door behind him to lessen the outside smells.

There were three prominent smells. The first smell that he could actually smell was somewhat sweaty with a tinge of dewberries that was being overshadowed by a dog-wolf smell. The second smell was much more pleasant. The scent had a more dominate smell of mangos along with the scent of pine and the forest. Yes, an odd scent, but one that Ryker oddly liked. The third scent was his.

Moving his mask back up, he went to his new room. Going inside, he quickly felt himself become overwhelmed. His bedroom, if one could it that, was huge! Without walking too far into it, he could tell he had a walk-in closet, and a door was open into an offshoot room! The actually sleeping area of the room had a large King-sized four-poster bed, an actual couch sitting in front of it and the newest, flat screen TV! The floor was a complimentary wood to the hallway's wooden floor, which was covered in thick wool-cotton looking rugs. The walls were painted a soft white, nothing much to really tell there as Ryker assumed James had wanted him to personalize the room.

Shaking his head, the mute teen hesitantly walked further into the room. It all looked expensive, like expensive enough that even looking at it would somehow make them less valuable. A silly, childish thought, but it still plagued his mind.

Taking another look around, he noticed that his items were neatly placed near the bed. Oddly, a couple of his things were out, like one of his underlayer jackets and his 'scary' mask. This confused him. Did they need to know whose stuff was whose? His Aunt and him didn't label their boxes beyond simple things like clothes or personal items, so maybe?

Gulping some, he carefully moved his clothing boxes and bags into the walk-in closet. It was far too big for how little clothing he actually owned. Still, it was a place to put it all and he at least had room to add more?

Once that was done, he carefully tried to find places to put his more personal belongings. At the apartment, his room was just big enough to display his really important stuff and house his other things. Here was the complete opposite, so now he was having trouble. Sighing heavily, he slid his mask down in hopes of being able to breath in his own familiar scent. Instead, he took a deep breath of that sweet scent. It was closer.

Despite that snooping was something he shouldn't do, he did. He went searching for the origin of the scent. It had to be some kind of wild flower that he hasn't noticed yet?

Opening a door to a large, adjoined bathroom, Ryker moved passed it into the open room that he was going to share with. The room was just as grand as his, except the floors looked like dark marble with greyish rugs on them, the four-poster bed was sunken in the floor some and the walls were painted a deep jade green. On one wall, that somehow attracted the teen's attention, was just a shelf full of trophies.

Walking over to them, the scent there was somehow stronger. He didn't know why. So, he picked one of the trophies up and brought it up to his nose. The scent clung to the cold metal. He noticed that the shelf was properly cared for, meaning whoever had won these took pride in them.

Biting the inside of his cheek, he placed the trophy in his hand back before grabbing another one, one on a taller shelf. He wanted to see if the scent was clinging to those trophies as well. Why wouldn't they honestly? Taking another deep breath, he felt his nerves calm some. Shaking his head some, he placed it back on the shelf.

The moment his hand had released the trophy, a warm hand was placed firmly on his shoulder. This caused the teen to react. Violently.

Surprisingly, Ryker found himself pinned to the floor. Thankfully, his glasses didn't fall off in the scuffle, but he could still smell that scent. Looking up, he felt his heart freeze and stutter. The person who had him pinned, was staring him down with deep icy blue eyes. Those eyes were like gemstones that were placed on a heavenly crafted face that housed a smirking mouth. That smirk grew some as Ryker felt their grip tighten. Then they spoke in a deep and rough voice that sent shivers down the pinned teen's back.

"Now, who are you?"

The Golden Eye Mate (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now