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Reese blushed darkly as Payton pulled him close to his chest. The two were skipping class and a teacher had almost caught them. The could've been very bad had the golden-haired teen not pulled them into a closet.

Now one might be wondering why someone like Reese, who feels guilty about being late, would skip. Easy, he wanted to spend time with his crush and the class he was placed in was boring and something he could test out if he wanted to... Plus, skipping class and dodging teachers made him feel like a spy.

"They're gone now." Pay whispered, turning his head to look at the other.

The older teen gave the other a smirk-like smile. He almost didn't want to leave the closet; it was big enough that they had a few inches away from each other, but he wanted to hold his mate. This felt like a good chance to hold him so close.

The marshmallow pale male blushed more at the smirking smile. It looked so handsome on his face and made him feel weird. Yeah, he knew he was guy, knew it since 5th grade, but he hadn't felt like this. Not about anyone. Then again, no one other than Ryker really tried to get to know him.

"W-We should go?" He shuffled some, a hand pushing his glasses up.

The older teen nodded, carefully opening the door and looking both ways before they began walking again. It felt nice walking around in the comforting silence.

"Do you... Do you usually skip?"

Reese looked up at his question, wanting to see Payton's facial movements as he responded to that. A subtle blush tinted his tan skin as he gave a soft sigh. He didn't answer for a few seconds, then he shook his head.


He paused for a moment before grabbing the nerdier teen's arm. He hurried them off in a different direction, the direction of the library. It was the only "safe zone" for students to skip without getting in trouble. Almost none of the teachers check whether or not a student had permission to be there, so they didn't have to worry about that. They also didn't have to worry about too many students, as not many students were bold enough to really skip.

Reese followed along the best he could, his shorter legs making him trip multiple times. Abruptly, he found himself in his crush's arms. He squeaked as he wrapped his arms around his neck, pressing his body into the other's broad chest. He opened his mouth to demand that he be put down, he wasn't light after all! He didn't make a sound a saw a rather pleased look on the other's face. With a worsening blush, he relaxed himself the best he could.

It wasn't much longer before the two were in their own little corner of the library. The two were silent for a moment, then Payton sighed heavily. He looked nervous, and as short of a time as they known each other, Reese got the impression that Pay didn't get nervous.

"I wanted to spend time with you. Outside class and home. We're busy this week, so I wanted to spend time with you." He sighed again, running a hand through his hair. "I feel a connection between us, and I want to see how it pans out. God, saying it out loud... I feel like Al when he's flirting with someone."

The blush that was beginning to form disappeared at that. As much as his friend believed he didn't deserve to be loved or with someone, he did. However, hearing that made him question whether or not Alastair was the right man for him.

"Why did he flirt with those other people?"

The golden-haired teen leaned back into his chair, giving a slow nod. He shouldn't have said that, but at least it would be out sooner rather than later.

"He's a flirt, it's honestly the only thing he's good at. That and sex. But he's not playing with Ryker's feelings." He stared Reese in the eyes as he said this. "As much as Al's a flirt, he lets people know that he's not up for dating. The flirting and sex are more like friends with benefits."

Reese looked away, shifting some. He didn't feel like he could trust him, not with his best friend's feelings. Even if Payton vouched for him.

"How are you sure?" He murmured, looking back up.

The taller teen gave a solemn nod. He understood what he was saying, what he was asking.

"He doesn't go on dates, not even to get into someone's pants... And the way he looks at Ryker is the same way I look at you."

The nerdy teen bit his lip, pulling some wires out of his pocket to fiddle with. He didn't know what to think. Ryker was always the one who could tell if someone was lying to them, he was the one with the good intuition. But he couldn't always rely on him, and he deserved happiness too...

"You promise he won't intentionally hurt Rye?"

The future beta felt a wave of relief wash over him at those words, it meant that his mate accepted Alastair. That acceptance, even as small as it was, was still a good step.

"He won't, if he does, I'll hold him down." The last bit was somewhat a joke, it even cracking a smile.

"A few shocks would help him learn his lesson."

The two chuckled at that. Reese took a deep breath, moving his seat closer to the other. Payton raised a curious eyebrow before he chuckled once he saw the other pull out a textbook. The two didn't say anymore pertaining to the previous topic, only talking about schoolwork and the problems. This was acting as their own mini date, something that was very relaxing.

The school week progressed normally, but the tests that were given were difficult. Some of the problems had questions that weren't even properly discussed or even practiced, leaving many students in the dust. Alastair was one of those students, so his grades dropped.

The tests had also made Alastair and Ryker work slower as their brains were basically fried from being overworked for school. They still did their jobs and did them well, just not at their top performance as usual. This did get them, mostly Ryker, in trouble with their manager. They ignored her as they just continued their job.

Thankfully, the week ended fast, and the small group had the weekend to relax. During that time, Ryker mostly stayed in his room, sleeping. Alastair stayed in the gym, needing to use up his collected energy. Reese and Payton just relaxed in their room, cuddling each other as they went through a Spy movie marathon.

"I still don't understand why he tells them his name. He has to be one of the worst spies." The taller teen grumbled.

An offended gasp grabbed his attention, which made him chuckle. He shifted some to look at the offended expression of his mate.

"How's he a bad spy? He does his job good!" He shouted.

"He tells everyone his name and blows stuff up! He's way more focused on the fame of his name, to get laid and blow stuff up."

Reese scoffed, rolling his eyes before cuddling back into his chest. He couldn't deny that Payton was right. He didn't like that, but it didn't necessarily ruin the movies. He blinked some as he felt a soft kiss pressed against his forehead.

"Don't worry, it's a good movie." He hummed, giving the other a gentle squeeze.

"Fine..." Reese mumbled, relaxing further into his crush. "This is nice, right?" He glanced up at this.

The young man grinned broadly and nodded.

"It is, no thinking required." He joked.

The chubby teen laughed quietly before focusing back onto the movie. The broader teen kissed his head again before also focusing back on the movie. They both were enjoying this relaxing weekend. Just a moment of calm before the true date next weekend. They honestly couldn't wait for it.

The Golden Eye Mate (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now