Part 3

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Half an hour later, the main door was opened in hurry which made Izuku frown. Only his mother had the keys to the house so why was she home before her shift ends? Wait…. Is that a thief? Izuku hopped to his feet and took the night lamp in his hands, yanking the cord in guard.

"Izuku!" He heard his mother's frantic yelling.

Dropping the lamp on the bed, he hurried downstairs only to be tackled by his teary eyed mother.

"Iz-Izuku I saw t-the news.. are you o-okay? Are you hurt? Did that villain harm you? What-"

"Mom! Mom! I'm fine" he soothed her, rubbing her head after pulling her into another hug.

Inko pulled back and rubbed her face with her sleeve "I was so worried! Are you sure you're okay, Izuku? Do you want to visit the doctor?"

Izuku chuckled at her worry and sighed "I'm not hurt, mom. I'm okay. Don't worry. Also, did you really end your shift just to check up on me? Didn't your boss throw a tantrum?"

Inko scrunched her face in disgust "That man can cry like a baby and shit his pants for all I care. No one's gonna stop me from checking up on my baby"

Midoriya Inko was an independent woman who loved her son more than anything in the entire world. She would stab you slowly with a beautiful smile if you hurt her baby boy. The sweet mother of one was a small chubby and cuddly woman with sacramento hair and matching eyes. Inko was a smart and hardworking woman who earned a little more than enough to sustain her little family of two. She had a hunch that her son's life wasn't as the kid portrayed it to be but being a busy woman, she couldn't pry more lest she upset him.

"And Katsuki? Is he alright?" Inko asked, carefully observing the expression on her son's face.

Izuku froze and deadpanned before answering curtly with a 'yeah'. His eyes held anger and disgust as he was done pretending.

Inko let out a sigh and held her son's hand "he bullied you a lot, didn't he?"

The teen's eyes widened in surprise that his mother knew which earned a chuckle from her. "Don't be surprised. I'm so sorry, Izuku. I knew that something wasn't right between you two but I didn't really pry about it. Could you please tell me about it, if you're comfortable?"

"Hehe.. I guess? I mean, I was planning to tell you everything today because I have changed my plans for the future. You should get changed because it's gonna be a long story. I'll make us some coffee"

Inko nodded and went to get changed while Izuku made them some coffee. Once settled, Izuku began telling her everything about his bullies and his school. He also mentioned how Katsuki 'advised' him to take a swan dive off the roof and about his meeting with All Might.

Midoriya Inko was furious. She had tears streaming down her face- tears of anger, regret and sadness. She pulled Izuku into a hug where the boy broke down for the first time in many years.

"I'm so sorry, Izuku.. I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was this bad.. I'm sorry" she whispered. Her mind was clouded with rage and ways to make sure Aledra High and Bakugou Katsuki never saw the light of day again.

Izuku sighed and looked at her "Mom, I want to drop out of school-" Inko looked at him with wide eyes but urged him to continue "-I don't think there's a point in staying there anymore. Today was the last straw. I don't want to face that pomeranian or those monsters again. They always give me bad grades no matter how well I perform. I don't want anything to do with that school or those people. I've applied for online middle school education by transfer. I just need you to approve so I can send that email to the principal"

Inko smiled softly and nodded "It's okay, sweetie. Anything for you. I don't want you to go back to that hell hole anyway. You can send that email and I'll take care of the rest. Now, what's your plan after middle school? I mean, if you want to apply for the hero course at UA and I'll support you"

Izuku smiled at her "right now, I'm confused. I'll have to think about it but for now, I just want to leave the pathetic school"

Upon Inko's nod of approval, Izuku sent the email to the teacher. The mother proposed moving to another part of the town since the rent for their apartment was a little too much for her budget. Izuku was more than glad to agree. That way, he could keep Katsuki away from his home.

As expected, Katsuki visitied their home a few days later after the school announced that Izuku will no longer be attending. Izuku answered the door and shut it on the blonde's face before he could speak. Profanity and explosions followed and this time, Inko answered the door making him act like a timid pup. She, like her son, shut the door on his face with a deadpan expression after spitting a venom-filled "Stay away from my son". Needless to say, Katsuki almost wet his pants. The Midoriyas moved to their new home a week later. Izuku had come up with a plan and Inko was very supportive of it. He started training by cleaning Dagobah beach and learning to build support items by using the scraps from the beach. Inko enrolled him in a nearby dojo and started training with him for self defence and to strengthen her quirk.

Everything was going according to the plan but fate, as usual, loves to play with our dear protagonist. Oh no, there's nothing to worry about. Just a very loud blonde and a very evil Chimera were bored. What could go wrong?

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